
Expert search
Aleksandr Shokhin

President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Lyudmila Babynina

PhD in Political Science, Director of the EU Political Integration Center at RAS Institute for European Studies

Alexander Vorobyov

Research Fellow at The Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Kazushige Kobayashi

Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, RIAC Visiting Research Fellow

Sergey Utkin

PhD in Political Science, Independent expert

Sofie Van Canegem

LLM Public International Law — International Environmental and Energy Law

Elena Kharitonova

Associate Professor, Senior researcher at the Сenter for civilizational and regional studies of the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Scientists (WSWF)

Viktor Dukhovny

Director of Research and Information Centre, Intergovernmental Water Management Coordination Commission for Central Asia, Member of the World Water Council

Nandan Unnikrishnan

Senior Fellow and Vice President at the Observer Research Foundation

Wolfgang Zellner

PhD. in Political Science, Deputy Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Head of the IFSH’s Centre
for OSCE Research (CORE)

Tedo Japaridze

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, former Chairman of the National Security Council of Georgia

Oleg Demidov

International Information Security and Global Internet Governance Program Coordinator, PIR Center

Roman Reinhardt

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor at the Diplomacy Department of MGIMO under the MFA of Russia

Leonid Karabeshkin

PhD in Political Science, Research Centre for International and Regional Politics (Saint-Petersburg), Project Coordinator, Euroacademy (Tallinn), professor

Roger Rufe

Vice Admiral, United States Coast Guard (retired)

Daria Khaspekova

Editor in chief, PIRC

Akio Kawato

Visiting Professor at Waseda University

Eugeny Kozhokin

Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Area Studies of the Institute of History and Archives of RSUH, RIAC member.

Sergei Uyanaev

Ph.D., senior researcher, Russia – China Centre, RAS Far East Institute

Archil Sikharulidze

Founder of the SIKHA Foundation, lecturer at the Tbilisi State University

Maxim Kornev

PhD in Philology, Associate professor, Mass-Media Institute, Russian State University for the Humanities

Aleksander Atamanov

PhD in Technical Sciences, CEO and Co-Founder of TSS Ltd

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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