Search: Nuclear weapons,Russia (100 materials)


Five Questions that Need to be Addressed about American Foreign Policy

... international community on issues of national security. More importantly, better relations with Russia could help defuse the last topic Donald Trump informally raised: nuclear proliferation (or, at the very least, significantly reduce the quantity of nuclear weapons). With America and Russia in possession of over 90% of the available nuclear arsenal, cooperation with Russia is not just advisable but rather imperative. The purpose of raising the points Donald Trump brought up during his campaign is to begin the discussion that is so ...


Strategic Stabilization: A Window of Opportunities for Russia and the U.S.

... and associated nuclear munitions: not in the context of either party’s advantages (which only exist in the eyes of the EU and Russian bomber patriots), but taking into account future military aviation and missilery developments, primarily for the Russian Kh-BD and US LRSO cruise missiles; Nuclear weapons remain the only guarantee against a major hot war in the current situation of massive international confrontation. A clarification of the volume and nature of telemetry to be surrendered in the course of test launches of new ICBMs. The ...


Putin's State of the Union: Russia Can No Longer Take the US Goodwill and Commitment for Granted

... Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program that had been negotiated with Tehran in 2015 by all the five permanent members of the US Security Council together with Germany. Andrey Kortunov: Disillusionment and Missed Opportunities: Russia-U.S. Relations in 2017 The Kremlin apparently concluded that the appetite for further bilateral or multilateral agreements on nuclear weapons is very low in both the White House and in Pentagon, and the US Senate is highly unlikely to ratify any meaningful strategic arms control agreement with Moscow. If so, Russia should look for other ways to ensure its security in a less ...


MAD's Midlife Crisis: The Impact of US-Russia Rivalry on International Arms Control

... especially between the P5 and NNWS are greater and more dramatic than they have been for over 30 years. The problem is that different States Parties to the NPT review process appear increasingly unwilling to compromise or to search for a consensus. As the Russian expert on nuclear weapons Andrey Baklitskiy rightfully notes , there appears to be a “growing temptation to move the discussion on the most contentious issues to the UN General Assembly or to some ad hoc body, where decisions would be taken by a majority rather ...


Dialogue with US on nuclear-missile weapons is Russia’s priority task

... not to allow the Russian-American arms control regime break up completely. The most important task for today is to preserve the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), extend the New START treaty. Of course, this is also cooperation of Russia and the US on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as efforts not to let the nuclear deal with Iran fail and to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula to the extent possible," said Andrei Kortunov. "I think we must try to extend the existing spheres of cooperation, ...


Shaken, Not Stirred: Blending an INF/New Start Detox Cocktail

... Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev. Either treaty includes no points that would address problems of missile defense, tactical nuclear weapons, space-based weapons, cyber warfare, third nuclear countries, nuclear terrorism or prompt global strike capabilities.... ... States from spending USD 1 trillion in the next 30 years on modernizing its nuclear bombs, bombers, missiles and submarines. Russia will also continue its large-scale strategic modernization program, even if the two agreements remain in place. The crisis ...


Pyongyang is Starts and Wins. What Can the Losers Do?

... set up in the form of a “crisis management centre” involving North Korea, South Korea, China, the United States, Japan and Russia. Third, the international community is within its rights to demand a guarantee from Pyongyang that North Korea will not ... ... Accordingly, it is necessary to step up international cooperation in this area. As far as we can tell, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and missile technologies is not national idea or strategic goal of North Korea. Rather, it pursues mercantile ...


North Korea, Iran, and Prospects for Nuclear-Weapon-Free World. RIAC Hosts a Webinar on Nuclear Non-Proliferation

... became the main topic on the agenda of the discussion. Richard Weitz identified three main, in his opinion, dimensions of possible cooperation between the US, China, and Russia, namely, arms control and disarmament; “horizontal” proliferation of nuclear weapons (NW); prevention of nuclear terrorism. At the moment, Russia and the United States already have positive experience of cooperation in the field of non-proliferation, successfully reducing their nuclear arsenals of weapons under the relevant treaties. However, the main problem is that countries implement ...


RIAC Webinar “Russia, USA and China and the prospects of “global zero”

... Nobel Committee announced that it was awarding the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to ICAN – the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. The choice was largely symbolic as with the escalation of the North Korean crisis the threat of the use of the nuclear weapons becomes real for the first time in many years. Although there is general consensus between Russia, China and the US on the need to contain nuclear ambitions of Pyongyang, diverse differences between the three countries impedes them from efficient cooperation on the issue. How non-proliferation regime can be strengthened in the new international ...


The Korean Nuclear Missile Crisis: It Takes Three to Tango

... South Korea. The only way for Pyongyang to safeguard itself against its external enemies and preserve sovereignty is to have nuclear weapons. Alexey Arbatov: U.S. Nuclear Warheads' Scary Modernization The U.S., for its part, is trying to prevent the ... ... leave the Korean Peninsula entirely, and for the alliance between Washington and Seoul to become a thing of the past. What about Russia then? It appears that Moscow will side with China in this game. An important signal to that effect came in the form of ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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