Search: Russia,Donald Trump (87 materials)


US Withdrawal From the JCPOA and Anti-Iranian Sanctions: Pros and Cons

... the JCPOA. Barack Obama confronted Congress during his presidency and had to go to great lengths to get the deal through. With Donald Trump, the position defended by Obama’s opponents who denied any concessions for Iran was placed back on the agenda. ... ... is no way of stopping it. Author: Ivan Timofeev is Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club, Director of Programs at Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). First published in Valdai Discussion Club .


What Is the US Endgame in Iran?

An increased American pressure on Iran makes Tehran even more dependent on major US geopolitical adversaries — China and Russia The Trump administration has decided to designate Iran's Islamic Revolution’s Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization. It is the first time when Washington includes into its list of terrorist organizations an official institution ...


The House That Built Who?

... As for the former, the U.S.’s secession from the INF Treaty and the lack of interest in extending START mean that this topic is in limbo. As regards the latter, if the U.S. announcement to pull out of Syria is not a trick but the implementation of Donald Trump’s long cherished plans, then one more area of interaction—measures to avoid dangerous incidents—will be gone too. This does not mean an end to the Russian-American competition in the Middle East, but it will become non-contact, indirect and not requiring mutual sensitivity or communication channels. But it is these channels, established by the military, that thus far have been the most effective ...


Mueller never heard our side

Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation was biased and "not a fair approach." Russian Senator Konstantin Kosachev tells Christiane Amanpour why he thinks the Mueller investigation ...


Russia–U.S. Relations Will Not Get Any Better

Interview with Sergey Rogov Recently, the international agenda has been dominated by the tensions in Russia–U.S. relations, the probable impeachment of Donald Trump, the sanctions regime and the destruction of arms control mechanisms. We asked RIAC Member and Scientific Director of Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Rogov to share his thoughts on these ...


Political Landscape of Europe. The Spectre of Geopolitical Solitude

... evolution of New Populism. Considering the changes taking place in the world and increasing uncertainties, the importance of Russia’s efforts to consolidate a number of Eurasianintegration projects is growing. Perceptions of the main challenges to ... ... the Euro-Atlantic region is withering away. An obvious example is the G7 summit in Quebec in June, which ended in fiasco with Donald Trump withdrawing his signature from the final communiqué. The refusal was accompanied by harsh criticism of Justin Trudeau,...


Russia Is Being Used As a Meme in U.S. Politics

... Western, liberal rule-based system.  But this isn’t reflected in the behavior of Western powers. Even though there is a very tense relationship with, say, the United States, Germany, France or even Britain, their policies don’t reflect the view that Russia is a significant threat.  Look at Donald Trump, for example, and his behavior vis-a-vis Russia. No one would treat a superpower the way he does, canceling meetings last-minute by tweet, despite the fact that the previous tweet two hours ago said exactly the opposite. This is not the way ...


How Dostoevsky Helps Explain Political Struggle in America

Given the current realities, Russia is a good fit for devil’s role Fyodor Dostoyevsky is one of the most well-known Russian writers in the West. He is often quoted during discussions about the “mysterious Russian soul.” Indeed, the classical literature of any country helps ...


Russia-US Relations: Slow Steps with Timid Zigzags

The second Putin —Trump summit should not be a repetition of the first The second full-fledged Russian-American summit meeting is postponed until 2019. It is unlikely to be held in January or February – everything will depend on the still poorly predictable dynamics of the domestic political situation in the United States. Anyway, as the presidential ...


Looking at Tiananmen Square through the Brandenburg Gate

... Berlin–Beijing axis could become a worthy strategic response to the unprecedentedly strong and brutal U.S. pressure Which country has already suffered the greatest losses through the new U.S. strategy announced a year-and-a-half ago by President Donald Trump? Clearly not Russia, whose relations with Washington were far from perfect even under the previous U.S. administration. Nor is it Mexico or Canada: even Trump is unable to turn the tables on the United States’ relations with its closest neighbours so rapidly and ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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