Search: EU (128 materials)


Europe’s Last Elections That Matter

... implies that national political structures are no longer expected to be capable of creatively addressing public concerns, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev . At present, the political systems of the leading countries of Western Europe are in a situation that in earlier times could have served as a source of serious revolutionary upheavals. However, after several decades of changes aimed primarily at maintaining the status quo, the populations and elites have little room for ...


Alliances and Allies in a New Era

... Nevertheless, in both instances, this implies that Moscow and Washington need to constantly consider how to protect their allies from external influences and threats, as well as mind their own vulnerabilities. Secondly, the strategic setbacks experienced by Europe during the two World Wars of 1914-1945 resulted in its leading nations becoming completely reliant on the United States, effectively losing their sovereignty in military and political matters. Even the possession of some nuclear weapons by France ...


Alarming: Ukraine Conflict Escalation

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has reached a critical juncture, raising fears that it could escalate into a broader European conflict. Initially a regional dispute, the conflict now poses a serious threat to the entire continent. The United States appears to be driving the conflict, seeing potential benefits regardless of the outcome. However, Europe is already facing ...


Are International Institutions Viable in the Future World Order?

It will be significantly easier to the Western world to gradually accept that its resources are finite than it will be for those who currently find the dominance of the United States and Europe unsatisfactory to establish new models of collaboration, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev. One of the most significant challenges that the global community of nations is currently facing in relation to the dismantling of ...


Here’s what the results of the European Parliament elections tell us

MEPs don’t call the shots, so any real change in the bloc will emerge from domestic upheavals The European Parliament elections have shaken up the political space but won’t bring revolutionary changes at EU level. Despite the success of Euroskeptic forces in a number of countries, the composition of the representative body has not seriously changed....


Here’s how Russia can prevent WW3

... but the fear of their use has faded. More dangerously, a new generation of politicians has come to the fore, unburdened either by the memory of decades of confrontation or by a sense of responsibility. The American belief in its own exceptionalism and European ‘strategic parasitism’, devoid of any sense of self-preservation, is a dangerous combination. It’s in such an environment that the idea of inflicting a strategic defeat on the nuclear power the is Russia – in a proxy conventional war ...


Chinese Logic and European Theatre

... attempts to delay, to the greatest extent possible, the process of direct conflict with the United States and its allies. This conflict is of a strategic nature, and is linked to simple competition for access to global resources and markets. Meanwhile, Europeans do not have significant stakes in this US-China confrontation, and their attitude towards involvement is largely negative, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev . It would be a misconception for Beijing to believe that economic ...


Does Foreign Policy No Longer Matter?

... relations. A huge number of officials are now responsible for the external relations of their countries, imbued with a sense of the importance of their business and profession. In this sense, the global system of states was indeed moving towards the European medieval model, in which the government could interfere little in the daily life of its subjects, especially their spiritual life, and was happy to deal exclusively with foreign policy tasks. The preservation of sovereignty in the traditional ...


NATO looks strong, but the real picture is very different

... non-trivial one – to become a pillar of the new, Western-centred world order. Let us leave aside the issue of NATO’s eastward expansion and the development of formerly hostile territories. Much has been said about the role this has played in the rise of European tensions and the emergence of the current politico-military crisis. But something else is even more interesting. The international situation in 2024 shows how the contradictions associated with NATO’s make up, and its unwillingness to change ...


Central Asia between Digital Silk Road and Digital Silk Way

Central Asia in the age of digital technologies finds itself between two megaprojects of China and the European Union as the Russian Empire and British Empire in the XIX century competed for this one of the most landlocked regions of the world. The victory of the Russian Empire in this contest decided where the transport lines of Central Asia would be ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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