Search: INF Treaty,Russia (66 materials)


How to Reduce Nuclear Risks in Helsinki

Reaffirming that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, the United States and Russia could agree to specific steps at Helsinki to reduce nuclear risks Presidents Trump and Putin will finally meet next week in Helsinki for a bilateral summit. Throughout the Cold War, summits between US and Soviet leaders were overwhelmingly welcomed ...


These are the Benefits of a U.S.-Russia Summit

The history of relations between the United States and Russia demonstrates that there is no substitute for personal contacts between the leaders of the two countries. Presidents Trump and Putin appear set to hold a summit meeting in July. This will be their third in-person meeting even though both leaders ...


Can the U.S. and Russia Find a Path Forward on Arms Control?

... canisters containing Tomahawks or other offensive missiles cannot be installed there. Russian inspectors should be able to visit American facilities in both locations in order to verify that this is the case. The United States, meanwhile, has accused Russia of violating the INF Treaty by testing, producing, and deploying a new type of ground-launched cruise missile with a prohibited range. In response, the U.S. government sanctioned two Russian companies (Novator Design Bureau and Titan Central Design Bureau) in December ...


U.S.-Russia Relations: The Price of Cold War

... an increasingly complex and dangerous nuclear world, it makes sense to accede to Russian demands that missile defense and advanced conventional strike forces be part of any next step in bilateral U.S.-Russian strategic nuclear arms talks—provided Russia understands that no next steps are likely unless the INF treaty is preserved. If the goal, ten years from now, is to have resumed the effort to build a Europe at peace, with NATO and Russian military forces no longer facing off, and neither the threat or actual use of force an ever present danger, a country ...


My Wish List for the Bundeskanzleramt

A new government in Berlin is always a new opportunity — not only for Germany itself, but also for its international partners, Russia including I understand the fundamentals. Russia lost Germany back in 2014 or even earlier. Seventy-three years after the end of WW2 and twenty-eight years after the reunification, the new generation of Germans owes Russian nothing. After the ...


Strategic Stabilization: A Window of Opportunities for Russia and the U.S.

... when it comes to the types of its SLCMs that are potentially and actually capable of being tipped with specialized warheads (the same is true of other Russian missile types). The U.S. periodically describes its nuclear-tipped SLCMs as a response to Russia’s breaches of the INF Treaty, allegedly through the continued deployment of a ground-based type of cruise missiles with a range of around 2,000 km, and states that it is prepared to suspend its project should the matter be resolved. Washington keeps different deployment ...


Russia Is Offering an Olive Branch, Not Flaunting Nuclear Weapons

... that, having ensured its own security, Russia does not intend to threaten anyone. Moreover, Russia is open to talks on the full range of international security issues, including, naturally, the issue of arms control. And this is not mere rhetoric. Has Russia not always stressed its interest in preserving the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), extending the New START Treaty, and boosting nuclear non-proliferation? Has Moscow ever questioned the compliance of all parties concerned with the multilateral agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue? Is Moscow threatening unilateral military ...


MAD's Midlife Crisis: The Impact of US-Russia Rivalry on International Arms Control

... statement on the occasion of the 30 th anniversary of the Reykjavik Summit, US Secretary of State John Kerry reiterated that the vision of Reykjavik was still alive today and urged Russia to return to compliance with the INF Treaty. As for the possible Russian withdrawal from the INF Treaty, according to the Russian expert Petr Topychkanov, the action-reaction chain initiated by such a withdrawal would “lead to growing missile threats to Russia in Europe and to further erosion of the arms control regime, if not its total destruction,...


Dialogue with US on nuclear-missile weapons is Russia’s priority task

... Wednesday in comments on Russian-American relations. "Our priority task is not to allow the Russian-American arms control regime break up completely. The most important task for today is to preserve the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), extend the New START treaty. Of course, this is also cooperation of Russia and the US on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as efforts not to let the nuclear deal with Iran fail and to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula to the extent possible," said Andrei Kortunov. "I think we must try to extend ...


Shaken, Not Stirred: Blending an INF/New Start Detox Cocktail

... a catastrophic nuclear incident between Russia and the U.S. could occur. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, NATO–Russia military-to-military communication in Europe and the strategic dialogue between Moscow and Washington have come to a halt.... ... the Obama Administration. Besides, should INF fall, New Start would be much more difficult to extend. Alexander Yermakov: The INF Treaty Is Under Attack. Down a Road Paved with Good Intentions Within these overall ceilings, both Washington and Moscow would ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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