Search: Russia,INF Treaty (67 materials)


Strategic Instability. RIAC Experts Discuss the Outcomes of the INF Treaty Suspension

... stability. Representatives of Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) took part in the discussion. February 2, 2019, was the deadline for the 60-day ultimatum delivered by Michael Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State, who in early December 2018 accused Russia of violating the INF Treaty and said that the U.S. was ready to withdraw from the agreement should Russia not return urgently to its full and verifiable compliance. Russia rejects the allegations made by the American side. In January, Geneva hosted Russian-American consultations ...


The Collapse of the INF Treaty as a Motivation?

... trust and security. This aspect of arms control may yet come to the fore should Russia-U.S. relations deteriorate further, including under the influence of domestic political processes in the United States. Alexander Yermakov: Brave New World Without INF Treaty Russia and the United States managed, in previous decades, to reach a very high level in terms of sharing reliable information on their strategic nuclear forces, and it would be a real pity to see this potential go to waste. However, it is becoming increasingly ...


Nuclear Catastrophe: Myth or Reality?

.... The attempts by the parties to move beyond the old confrontational logic of the Cold War failed. Does the withdrawal of the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) fit into this strategy? Definitely! While the INF Treaty was quite widely criticized in Russia too (sometimes rightly so, but often simply seditiously), we can say with certainty that it contributed to reducing tensions in the Euro Atlantic region and opened up opportunities for building a new European security model. As Marshal Akhromeyev,...


The World After the INF Treaty: How to Get Out of the Dead Zone

... the United States avoid serious problems and additional expenses. The ball is in Moscow’s court in this case, because it will be technologically and geopolitically easier for Moscow to take advantage of Washington’s decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty. Second, any Russian-US consultations on the principles of strategic stability would be useful in the first or second track or even between them. It would be naive to expect a breakthrough, but a continued interchange between the sides would have a positive psychological ...


Open Letter from the YGLN to President Trump and President Putin

... weapons use is higher today than it has ever been in our lifetimes. For over forty years, nuclear arms control agreements, such as the INF Treaty, have provided stability and predictability to the most consequential nuclear relationship on the planet. The INF Treaty eliminated an entire class of weapons from U.S. and Russian arsenals and reduced the risk of nuclear war in Europe. The destruction of that agreement may spark a dangerous new arms race in a world already beset with instability. It is our generation that will have to bear the costs and the risks of destabilizing ...


Brave New World Without INF Treaty

We are in for a feast of militarism and military engineering technology In late October 2018, following the announcement by the President of the United States announce that the country was pulling out of the INF Treaty, the Russian International Affairs Council published a collection of articles on the collapse of the Treaty and the future of global arms control. It may well have been the case that the Americans really did believe that the Russian side was in breach of ...


Andrey Kortunov Meets with Ambassadors of Northern European States

..., Sweden, and Estonia took part in the meeting. The following issues were touched upon in the course of the conversation: European security and security in the Baltic Sea area, the political and strategic implications of the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty, perspective formats for arms control, and the future of the relations between Russia and the West. The meeting was mediated by Maris Riekstiņš, Ambassador of Latvia to Russia.


Intermediate-Range Challenges

... missiles are “in violation” of the treaty. On the other hand, China is sure to face the greatest number of threats should the treaty be killed: the United States has long viewed the Chinese factor in the context of discussions on the future of the INF Treaty, and if Russia deploys missiles of sufficient ranges beyond the Urals, they will have to be reckoned with, regardless of how Russia explains their purpose. The least China could do would be to express its support for the treaty and ensure a certain degree of ...


Is This the End of Nuclear Arms Control?

... this weapon system. These errors may have been corrected to ensure compliance, but were nevertheless used by the US as a tool in its overall ‘countering Russia’ activities. Regarding the latest US announcement of its intention to withdraw from the INF Treaty, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has offered an important revelation . The ‘questionnaire’ with detailed information regarding the time and place of the events that made the US intelligence community conclude that Russia violated the INF Treaty ...


Sleepwalking Toward Nuclear War

... millions could be killed in minutes rather than over four years of protracted trench warfare. Do we have the tools to prevent an incident turning into unimaginable catastrophe? For those gripped with complacency, consider this scenario. It is 2019. Russia is conducting a large military exercise in its territory bordering NATO. A NATO observer aircraft accidentally approaches Russian airspace, and is shot down by a Russian surface to air missile. Alarmed, NATO begins to mobilize reinforcements. There ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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