Search: Coronavirus (42 materials)


The Spread of the COVID-2019 Epidemic across Europe and Multilateralism

The value and significance of multilateralism are becoming increasingly apparent against the backdrop of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic Europe has quickly turned into the “centre of contamination” of the coronavirus epidemic. The number of confirmed cases in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and other European countries is well into the tens of thousands, and it ...


It is difficult to predict in detail yet in what state the European Union will emerge from the crisis. But it will

... suggested COVID-19 disinformation campaign allegedly waged by Russia. How would you comment the letter that contained the call? This document would not have deserved reaction had it not been for the moment when it appeared.The current situation of the coronavirus pandemic clearly requires all states and nationsto unite forces. And at this pointgetting obsessed with such narratives and accusations – obviously groundless – is more than odd. And don’t you feel any additional pressure from the European ...


Can Russia, Saudi Arabia Strike New OPEC+ Deal with US Help?

... United States offered encouraging words that production cuts might be negotiated The Russian-Saudi feud over oil production has destabilized the market even as the industry faces anemic demand and the potential for a legion of layoffs because of the coronavirus pandemic. On the heels of plummeting prices, the market rallied April 2 after US President Donald Trump, perhaps prematurely, announced via Twitter that Saudi Arabia and Russia appeared ready to compromise on production cutbacks. But some ...


Impact of Coronavirus on the Situation in the Middle East Discussed at The Shaikh Group High-Level Meeting

... 2020, a regular Track II high-level meeting on security issues in the Middle East region was held online. The meeting was organized by the international political consulting agency The Shaikh Group. The discussion focused on the possible impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the situation in the Middle East and the role of international organizations (UN, G20) in resolving certain crises in the region (Yemen, Syria, Libya). Experts from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, and India took part in the discussion....


The UN Security Council Shirks the Test for Coronavirus

... the national sovereignty of states, or new pandemics will force us to pay an increasingly higher price for the priority we give to national sovereignty and the loyalty we show to political particularism In the four months that have passed since the coronavirus outbreak began, it seems that just about everyone has had something to say about the situation—experts, regular folk, politicians, businesspeople, footballers, ice hockey players, the G7, the G20, the European Union and the African Union....


Why the G20 Won’t Save the World

... guests will go home, quite happy with each other. At the same time, an atmosphere of hypocrisy and ambiguity covers the lush salon; intrigues weave in the corners and crank up really important deals for the participants in the case. Andrey Kortunov: Coronavirus: A New Bug or Feature of World Politics? If someone hoped that the summit would be a turning point in uniting global leaders in the name of confronting shared challenges and threats, they would be disappointed. Of course, the G20 adopted a ...


The Price of Sanctions is Human Lives

... face even greater risks. Thus far, Iran has suffered the most. The large-scale sanctions imposed against Iran are extraterritorial in nature, meaning that many companies from third states avoid cooperating with the country as well. Andrey Kortunov: Coronavirus: A New Bug or Feature of World Politics? The sanctions combine several problems and bring them into sharp focus. Iranian exports have been significantly curtailed, which, in turn, reduces the resource base for maintaining the country’s stability ...


Coronavirus as a Problem of Fathers and Sons

... new agenda will emerge in the world, which will be determined by young people who are now under the house arrest of self-isolation. Suddenly, they will have had enough time to think about this agenda Have you ever thought about the age paradox of coronavirus? Everyone knows that the virus is at its most dangerous when contracted by elderly people. But in everyday life, it’s not the pensioners who suffer the most from the pandemic, but the youth. Yes, of course, there have been more than twenty ...


The World After COVID-19: Does Transparent Mean Healthy?

Perhaps the coronavirus pandemic will break down the old world order and give rise to the new one that so many expected to appear in the 1990s. “But isn’t this despairing god of yours mankind?” Stanislaw Lem , Solaris The insanity of despair and primaeval ...


Coronavirus Reveals Cracks in European Unity

... responsibility with local governments (and only recently nationalizing the purchase of medical equipment), other more unitary states such as France have been quicker to react. Even the Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has admitted that the coronavirus has been underestimated by politicians. Besides appeals to member states to not shut down their borders and calls for solidarity, the EU leadership has once again showed its powerlessness during a crisis. The Emergency Response Coordination ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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