Search: Azerbaijan,Nagorno-Karabakh (37 materials)


A Little War that Didn’t Shake the World: a View from Yerevan

... conflict, may amount to erga omnes crimes (leave alone manifest violation of long-standing ceasefire agreement) under the relevant international treaties, and most prominently the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court. Although neither Armenia, nor Azerbaijan or Nagorno-Karabakh are members to ICC, referring the situation to the Court may become a necessary element in a future resolution package. To re-launch the peace process It will perhaps be premature to claim that the Four Day War left the parties in, what ...


Turkey-Azerbaijan – Not Only Energy Affair

... Sea and increase its long-time backward relations with the countries in the region in various spheres, including energy, commerce, and transportation. Notwithstanding the fact that Turkey and Russia heretofore have sided with different parties between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute, Ankara and Baku both could have found ways to overcome their territorial limitations (Turkey borders Azerbaijan only through its exclave, Nakhchivan), and at the same time to advance the relations with Moscow. However, Turkey ...


The Karabakh Dimension of the Russian-Turkish Crisis

... dynamics of the Middle East crisis. The tension that has arisen between the two countries can have far-reaching consequences for the Caucasus region. The situation is being aggravated by the ongoing escalation of tensions along the delimitation line in Nagorno-Karabakh. In early December 2015, the Azerbaijani side began using tanks , which it had never done since entering into a truce in May 1994), having previously used howitzers, mortars and multiple artillery rocket systems. Given the exacerbation of relations between Moscow and Ankara, the ...


Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Minsk Process as a Path to Settlement

... consideration should be given to extending the format of negotiations and including representatives of the NKR in them. Such a trilateral format did exist in 1994-1997, but then it was decided to abandon it for various reasons. The trilateral format (Nagorno-Karabakh-Azerbaijan-Armenia) established within the framework of the Russian-American Dartmouth Conference on Nagorno Karabakh (the second negotiation process at the level of top experts) was maintained since its establishment in 2001 until the end in 2012. Apparently,...


Armenia and Russia: Pragmatics and Stereotypes

... situation has stabilized, but the bad taste still lingers, among other things, due to band-aid-like solutions designed to revive the positive imagine of Russia among Armenian society (e.g. the dynamics of military-technical cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan and Moscow's role in maintaining the ceasefire regime in Nagorno-Karabakh). REUTERS/Hrant Khachatryan Sergei Markedonov: Russia – Learning from Armenia Electric Maydan per se was not a coordinated anti-Russian action, but spontaneously highlighted many problems reflecting perceptions of and dissatisfaction ...


Russia – Learning from Armenia

... secure the republic’s outer boundaries alongside their Armenian colleagues. Second, since January 2, 2015 Yerevan has been an official member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) [3] . Third, Moscow plays a very important role in the process of Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. Western diplomats and experts more often criticize Russia for “freezing” rather than seeking to solve this long-festering conflict [4] . We should bear in mind, however, that however passive Russia may be, neither Azerbaijan nor Armenia, which are directly involved in the ethno-political confrontation, have demonstrated any inclination to make compromises or concessions. Given this approach, “freezing” the conflict is not the worst of options, although ...


Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: March Madness

... society that the solution to the Karabakh problem using a strong arm is possible and quite practical. In other words, it could be well regarded as some kind of collective psychotherapy. With all of this going on, there is little doubt that at this stage Azerbaijan will not settle the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh by force. At the same time, a rather rapid deterioration of the economic situation in Azerbaijan, the devaluation of the manta and lowered standard of living are ugly symptoms that could make maintaining the image of Armenia as an external ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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