Search: Coronavirus (42 materials)


Egypt May Become the Next Bergamo

... infected only three individuals. On March 6, it became clear that official statistics did not reflect the real situation, although Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ordered to provide the citizens with accurate and reliable information about the coronavirus. Following this episode, there was an outbreak of COVID-19 on a cruise ship following the Nile from Aswan to Luxor: the diagnosis was confirmed for 45 people. A few days later, Egypt announced the first death related to COVID-19 when a German ...


Missouri vs. China: Toward a New Crusade?

The speed of the confrontation is accelerating, and it will be extremely difficult to soften its inertia COVID-19 is becoming a key element in the US-China relations. The United States directly calls China the cause of the novel coronavirus pandemic. A month ago, such accusations seemed like void political rhetoric. Today they are acquiring a qualitatively different meaning. They have formed a deep and irreversible funnel, which draws into itself an ever wider range of problems ...


International Crisis Group Discusses the Impact of Pandemic on Conflict Situations

... situation in conflict zones, the growing threat of the destruction of social and economic infrastructure under the influence of the pandemic, and the risks of escalation of repressive practices and human rights violations in the context of the spread of coronavirus. Conflict situations in the Middle East, East Asia, Africa, and Latin America were considered. The meeting was attended by Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, Member of ICG Board of Trustees.


Russia—China Relations Discussed at RIAC-IEERCAS CASS Meeting

... of the Russian Foreign Policy Research Department at IEERCAS; Yury Kulintsev, IFES RAS Research Fellow; and Xu Poling, Head of the Department of the Russian economy at IEERCAS CASS. Russian and Chinese experts discussed the effect of the new type of coronavirus epidemic (COVID-2019) on international relations, as well as the priorities in the development of Russia-China relations in the new environment. During the discussion, experts pointed out that the pandemic revealed a number of global systemic ...


Why Russia Sent Humanitarian Aid to the US and Why That's a Good Thing

This might be what some call a black swan moment  —  though it might be too soon to tell In what seems like a blink of the eye, the coronavirus has uprooted and deracinated nearly every sense of normalcy that could possibly exist. A pathogen that up until a few weeks ago was both out of sight and out of mind is now quite the opposite. It’s evolved into a global pandemic that knows ...


Global Victory Over COVID-19: What Price Are We Willing to Pay?

The First Take on Humanity’s KPI in Combating the Coronavirus All epidemics end sooner or later. Today’s coronavirus pestilence will also end, leaving behind many human tragedies, huge economic losses, forced changes in our customary way of life, shifts in geopolitics and worldviews that will in ...


Coronavirus as a Symptom of Systemic Stagnation

Coronavirus is a test to see if the global community is ready for the next technological transition Capitalism has always demonstrated an ability to modernize its technological base at the right time. This has been the key to its development. Any heel-dragging ...


The Sino-American COVID-19 Narrative Confrontation

... officials, have labelled Covid-19 the “Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan Virus” . One White House official is reported to have also labelled the virus the “Kung Flu”. The Republican senator Tom Cotton questioned the idea of whether or not the coronavirus could be a China-crafted bioweapon without providing evidence. Correspondingly, in China, a spokesman for the foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, tweeted that “it might be the US army” that carried the virus to Wuhan, giving an official yet ...


After Coronavirus: “Nuda Vita” and the “Extraordinary Power” of the Modern State

... That being said, it is extremely rare that a “state of emergency” appears inside a country: relations between the state and society have typically been built on the basis of established legislation and the basic law. However, with the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in early 2020, the very notion of a “state of emergency” has become a “viral” phenomenon as well, and it is Western liberal democracies that are primarily responsible for spreading it. The concept of “norms” and “normality” ...


The political striptease we are observing against the background of the coronavirus pandemic is not very attractive and makes you want to look away

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov’s interview with the International Life magazine, April 17, 2020 Question: Mr Ryabkov, let’s start with the most urgent issue – the coronavirus. Today, the United States is the anti-rating leader in the number of confirmed cases and deaths. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has been complaining about the actions of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and decided to suspend its ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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