Search: Arctic,USA (32 materials)


US Professors Visited RIAC

RIAC Officers presented the International Cooperation in the Arctic project On June 13, 2017, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) hosted a meeting with a group of the US professors taking part in the MGIMO-based Workshop IFDS World Fuels: Global Trends and Eurasian Perspective. The group included David ...


Worldwide Growth of Interest in the Arctic Is Not Surprising

On March 21, 2017 RIAC hosted an expert discussion “Science Diplomacy: US–Russia Cooperation in the Arctic”. Paul Berkman, Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, Director of US-Russia Relations Project supported by the Carnegie Corporation, and Oran Young, Distinguished Professor Emeritus ...


A Roadmap for U.S.-Russia Relations

... is also important for another reason: to help stabilize the relationship and buffer against conflict in the future. The analyses that follow examine prospects for Russia-U.S. cooperation in several crucial regions and fields: economics, energy, the Arctic, Euro-Atlantic security, the Middle East, strategic stability, cybersecurity, and countering terrorism and extremism. They offer concrete, actionable recommendations in each area. Economic Relations U.S.-Russia economic cooperation has a long history,...


Russia and the US in the Arctic: Cooperate to Survive

... Commission and Scott Highleyman, Director of International Arctic Program (The PEW Charitable Trusts) shared their views on the Arctic possibly becoming a new area of confrontation and the most promising spheres of cooperation in the region. Russia and the USA are having difficulties in bilateral relations, including cooperation on Syria. Do you see any possibility of the Arctic becoming an area of confrontation as well? Paul Berkman: The Arctic at the diplomatic level is seen as a region of low tension. All of the Arctic states view economic opportunities in the Arctic, and in a sense of common interests in the economic ...


Russia and the US in the Arctic

RIAC Working Paper #30 / 2016 Over the last years relations between Russia and the US have significantly deteriorated in the majority of cooperation areas. However, Russia-US interaction in the Arctic remains largely shielded from the general climate of mistrust. Given the current strained relationship, it is realistic to expect that particularly in the short term Russia—US cooperation on Arctic issues is easier to improve, and thus more likely ...


Arctic Oil and Gas Resource Development: Current Situation and Prospects

... The decline in global oil prices that began in the summer of 2014 carries with it a number of risks in assembling a whole range of major oil and gas projects, including shale gas extraction projects, deep-water offshore projects and projects in the Arctic shelf. In these conditions, despite the ongoing surplus of global oil production in relation to consumption, the question nevertheless arises: how can we maintain current production levels in the medium and long-term and ensure growth in order ...


Experts from Russia, the United States and Canada Discuss Shipping in the Arctic

On April 13, 2016 the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) in collaboration with the Pew Charitable Trusts held a round table discussion “Navigation in the Arctic: Promoting Cooperation and Addressing Challenges.” The event was attended by diplomats, representatives of government agencies, expert community and academic circles of Russia, the United States and Canada. The discussion was opened by RIAC ...


RIAC and Professional Staff Members of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Discuss Russia-U.S. Cooperation in the Arctic

... International Affairs Council. The issues discusses at the meeting with RIAC Director General Andrey Kortunov and RIAC Deputy Program Director Timur Makhmutov covered various aspects of Russian-American relations, namely Russian-American cooperation in the Arctic and the future of the Arctic Council, in the first pace; global and regional security problems; the role of the US Congress in shaping US policy toward Russia. The Russian participants briefed the American guests on the projects of the Russian ...


Conflicting Interests in Regulating Navigation in the Bering Strait

... experts endorsed the course for the development of bilateral cooperation in the Bering Strait to reduce the chances of emergency situations and raise the level of navigation safety. There is no doubt that сooperation between Russia and the U.S. in the Arctic as a whole and in the Bering Strait in particular benefits both sides, and is vital due to climate change which is expected to boost maritime economic activities. The Bering Strait is not only a key watershed between Asia (Cape Dezhnev in Russian ...


Alaska. A Golden Fleece for the U.S. Establishment

Domestic Aspects of Developing U.S. Arctic Resources With Alaska and adjacent seas increasingly attracting everybody's attention because of their vast resources, many wonder how Washington will combine their development with preserving Alaska's unique social and ecological system – ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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