Search: Afghanistan (122 materials)


Ekaterina Stepanova: Afghanistan after 2014: The Way Forward for Russia

It may appear that Russia is equally dissatisfied with both Western security’s presence in and its departure from Afghanistan planned for 2014, but whether the Western withdrawal is seen as more of a gain a loss depends on how Moscow itself assesses and balances its own security concerns in the region: instability, extremism and narcotics. At the same time the ...


Iraq: Ten Years After

... coalition forces of just 173,000 . Photo: The trial of Saddam Hussein, October 19, 2006 «However, Washington has fully achieved its declared goal of toppling the Saddam regime.» The technological gap was not as wide as in Afghanistan, where NATO faced poorly-trained and scantily-equipped Taliban troops formed less than 10 years before. The Iraqi army had had large-scale war experience, appropriate financing and trained personnel, as well as almost 6,000 armored vehicles ...


Seeds of the Syrian and Mali crises in Western Foreign Policy

Unintended consequences of Iraq and Afghanistan As international worries deepen over developments in Syria and Mali, the West must be cautious about leading the pack when it comes to saying what should be done. Because the events now playing out in Syria and Mali are, in no small part,...


Obama’s Afghan Transition

Leaving Plus Staying President Obama's policy in Afghanistan seems consistent, but it is far from straightforward. The U.S. administration faces a conundrum: it is time to complete the Afghan antiterrorist operation, but peace is not within sight. But the president still has his second term to wind ...


Is an alliance between the Taliban and Iran possible?

... the Soviet military presence, Tehran did not resort to direct support of the so-called “Peshawar Seven”, and rather built its own contacts with the Afghan Shiite commanders. However, the situation has changed. The United States is turning Afghanistan into its military foothold in the region. U.S. military bases will be retained in the country also after the withdrawal of international forces in 2014. In the event of a war with Iran, the U.S. Air Force, stationed in Afghanistan, can be ...


Second chance for CSTO

Will the CSTO been able to counter the Afghan threat after the withdrawal of NATO forces? If back in 2001 the international coalition hadn’t launched a counter-terrorist operation in Afghanistan, it would have been the CSTO member-states that had to fight potential threats emanating from the territory of this state. However, the deployment of the NATO and coalition forces in Afghanistan allowed the CSTO established in 2002 to develop ...


Russia and the West: different views on the Afghanistan after 2014

A New Great Game and ideological conflict The divergence of Russian and Western views on the future of Afghanistan and Post-Soviet Central Asia can become one of the main obstacles on the way to cooperation after the withdrawal of NATO forces in 2014. This paper contains the analysis of these divergences as well as proposals on concrete spheres of cooperation....


NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan: problems and risks

Who power in Afghanistan will belong to after the withdrawal of the coalition forces Current withdrawal of the U.S. and its NATO allies' forces from Afghanistan is complicated by a number of factors, which raise some questions that have no adequate answers. This ...


Prospects of energy cooperation in Central Asia

Is the TAPI Pipeline project feasible? The Afghan Government is hopeful to strengthen the national economy and make Afghanistan into a developed country through the TAPI gas pipeline project implementation. That said the project causes a lot of political problems capable of slowing down the pipe-building. How practicable is the TAPI project? What alternatives of regional ...


American drones in Pakistan’s borderlands

What are the advantages and limitations of drones? The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV, drones) in combat operations is a reality of modern warfare. In particular, they are widely used by the US in Afghanistan and Pakistan for location and destruction of terrorists. How promising is the use of these devices, and how high is their efficacy from the military and political viewpoints? Unexpectedly extensive use of UAVs in Afghanistan and in Pakistani ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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