Search: COVID-19 (116 materials)


Good News From the Parallel Energy Sector

As someone who also anchors a weekly television programme I should say that despite the endless debate around correct measuring of TV ratings, they do reveal certain trends. The first conclusion to be made based on the results of these weeks is that when people are at home, they are once again turning on their “old-fashioned” TV sets. Ratings are on the rise worldwide. As someone who also anchors a weekly television programme I should say that despite the endless debate around correct measuring...


Russia, the USA and China Should Work Together against Natural or Deliberate Biological Threats

... some discussions on the internet and other social media about using infected people within their group for transmitting the virus, as vectors for transmission to target populations. That means that someone who is part of their group, who is sick with COVID-19, intentionally goes to locations where he or she can come in contact with people that the group wants to target, for example, because of religious beliefs or political beliefs, and deliberately tries to spread the infection that way. That is ...


Online discussion concerning COVID-19 situation in Japan

On April 13, 2020, the Russian International Affairs Council held an online-discussion concerning COVID-19 situation in Japan. On April 13, 2020, the Russian International Affairs Council held an online-discussion concerning COVID-19 situation in Japan. Taisuke Abiru, Senior Research Fellow, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, and Vladimir Nelidov, Associate ...


For Our Unfreedom and Yours!

... freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the freedom to organize a street demonstration, freedom of faith or simply the freedom to relax and chat with your friends in your favourite trattoria on Piazza Navona in Rome. Maria Gurova: The World After COVID-19: Does Transparent Mean Healthy? This is a universal human trait, whether you come from China, the United States, Russia or Europe. While it is true that people in liberal democracies place greater value on personal freedom than those who live ...


To Sequestrate, or Not to Sequestrate. The Impact of Covid-19 on Military Budgets

... increase military capabilities and expenditures. In addition to the traditional threat in the form of the eastern neighbor, whose name was mentioned in connection with the information policy allegedly pursued to spread disinformation and panic over COVID-19, there are now new threats like the virus itself, and the Alliance members were not quite ready for it (but who was ready?). While European countries are only approaching the peak of the epidemic, it is difficult to predict its long-term effect ...


COVID-19: Africa Doesn’t Seem Ready to Give up Without a Fight

Review of the Jessica Moody’s “Could West Africa’s experience with Ebola help it combat COVID-19?” Several weeks ago, as shocking images from Italian hospitals spread across the internet like wildfire, it became entirely clear that no state, no city and no one was safe from COVID-19. It was also at that time that there seemed to be one ...


The Spread of the COVID-2019 Epidemic across Europe and Multilateralism

The value and significance of multilateralism are becoming increasingly apparent against the backdrop of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic Europe has quickly turned into the “centre of contamination” of the coronavirus epidemic. The number of confirmed cases in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and other European countries is well into the tens of thousands, and it only continues to grow. Christian Wollny: Coronavirus Reveals Cracks in European Unity Various approaches have been suggested...


It is difficult to predict in detail yet in what state the European Union will emerge from the crisis. But it will

... Representative of Russia to the EU Ambassador Vladimir Chizhov for International News Agency “Russia Today” Three German members of the Greens / European Free Alliance Group of the European Parliament have called upon EU leaders to tackle a suggested COVID-19 disinformation campaign allegedly waged by Russia. How would you comment the letter that contained the call? This document would not have deserved reaction had it not been for the moment when it appeared.The current situation of the coronavirus ...


The UN Security Council Shirks the Test for Coronavirus

... opportunities. One gets the impression that the main reason behind the Security Council’s silence is the fierce information war that is taking place between Washington and Beijing. According to the American side, any Security Council resolution on COVID-19 should be worded in such a way that the main blame for the outbreak is placed squarely on the shoulders of China and should also punish Beijing for trying to conceal the full scale of the problem from the international community. China, for its ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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