
Expert search
Kira Sazonova

PhD in Political Science and Law, Associate Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy (RANEPA)

Sergei Uyanaev

Ph.D., senior researcher, Russia – China Centre, RAS Far East Institute

Pablo Stefanoni

Editor-in-Chief, Nueva Sociedad, Argentina

Vladimir Chizhov

Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the European Union

Akio Kawato

Visiting Professor at Waseda University

Maxim Bratersky

Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of the World Politics Department of the Higher School of Economics

Ruslan Mamedov

Ph.D. in History, Scientific Advisor of The Evgeny Primakov Center for International Cooperation, Senior Research Fellow, Center for the Arab and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies RAS

Stanislav Pritchin

PhD in History, Research fellow of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies

Alexander Vorobyov

Research Fellow at The Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Liudmila Filippova

Senior Researcher at the ‘Russia, China, World’ Centre of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKSA RAS), Head of the Commission for the Creation and Activities of Regional Branches, Member of the Central Board of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society (ORKD)

Nikolay Surkov

Doctor of Political Science, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for the Middle East Studies, Institute of World Economy and International Relations under the Russian Academy of Sciences

George Niculescu

Head of Research, The European Geopolitical Forum

Vladimir Koptelov

Retired Councellor RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Daniel Drezner

Professor of International Politics, Tufts University

Kira Godovanyuk

PhD in politics, senior researcher at the Centre for British Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, expert at the RIAC

Konstantin Asmolov

Leading Research Fellow at the Korean Studies Center, RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies

Julia Melnikova

PhD in Political Science, Program Manager at the Russian International Affairs Council

Volkan Ozdemir

Director of EPPEN Institute & Instructor at Department of Eurasian Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara

Igor Yushkov

Professor at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and leading expert at the National Energy Security Fund

Timur Aliev

Ph.D. in Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for International Economics and Finance, IDIP RFTA; Senior Research Fellow, Russian Center for APEC Studies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Emre Erşen

Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations, Marmara University (Turkey)

Evgeny Buzhinsky

Chairman of PIR Center, Lieutenant-General (retired), RIAC Vice-president

Julia Roknifard

Ph.D. in History, Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham (Malaysia)

Anna Shcherbakova

PhD in Political Science, Research Associate at the Center for Political Studies, RAS Institute of Latin America

Mehdi Sanaei

Ph.D. in Political Science, Founder, The Institute for Iran-Eurasia Studies (IRAS), Associate Professor at University of Tehran; Iranian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Alexander Vershinin

PhD in History, Research Fellow with the Crisis Society Study Centre

Ksenia Muratshina

PhD in History, Professor at Chair of Theory and History of International Relations, Boris Yeltsin Urals Federal University

Mikhail Skovoronskikh

MA, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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