
Expert search
Kerim Has

Ph.D in Political Science, Expert on International Affairs and Russia–Turkey Relations

Aleksandr Avdeev

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Holy See and RF Representative to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, RIAC member

Efim Khesin

Doctor of Economics, Chief Research Fellow of IMEMO, RAS

Anatole Boute

Lecturer in Law at University of Aberdeen, Legal Adviser to the IFC Russia Renewable Energy Program

Alexander Kotov

Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for the Arctic and Northern economies under the Council for the Study of Productive Forces (SOPS),Associate Professor of Philosophy, Economics and Social Sciences Department of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

Tatiana Isachenko

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations and Foreign Economic Relations, MGIMO University

Anton Mardasov

Military Observer Head of the Department of Middle Eastern Conflicts at the Institute of Innovative Development

Sam Nunn

Co-Chair, Nuclear Threat Initiative; and former U.S. Senator, United States

Janna Zayonchkovskaya

PhD in Geography, Head of the laboratory, RAS Institute of Economic Forecasting

Alexey Portansky

Professor of World Economy and International Affairs Department at Higher School of Economics, Leading Researcher at RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO)

Sergey Markedonov

Ph.D in History, Leading Research Fellow at MGIMO University, Editor-in-Chief of International Analytics Magazine

Alexander Lomanov

Doctor of History, Chief Researcher at RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies, RIAC Member

Andrey Okara

PhD in Law, Political Scientist

Vladimir Graivoronsky

Head of the Mongolia Unit, Senior Researcher at the Korea and Mongolia Division, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

Konstantin Asmolov

Leading Research Fellow at the Korean Studies Center, RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies

Olga Breininger

Ph.D. candidate in Slavic and Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University

Rachel Cunningham

A.B. Political Science, University of Chicago, MA candidate at the University of Western Australia

Alexandra Fokina

BA in International Relations, Higher School of Economics

Anton Khlopkov

Director of Center for Energy and Security Studies, chief editor of Yaderny Club magazine, member of Scientific Council of the Security Council, RIAC member

Ivan Bocharov

Program Coordinator at the Russian International Affairs Council

Irina Novikova

Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of Foreign Relations Department at St. Petersburg State University

Evgeniya Makhmutova (Voyko)

PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Desmond Browne

Vice Chair, Nuclear Threat Initiative; Chair of the Board of Trustees and Directors of the European Leadership Network; and former Secretary of State for Defence, United Kingdom

Alexander Fedorovsky

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Head of Section of the Asia-Pacific Region Problems, IMEMO RAN

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