Analytical articles
Developing a new, understandable language of “sustainable security” in Eurasia, thanks to which everyone will be able to contribute to solving and anticipating common problems in their own way…
ShortNeither states nor churches operate in isolation from the political and ethical fabric of the global community that determines what actions and statements are deemed acceptable
ShortChanging Russia’s demographics, shifts in the global trade structure, and transition to the post-information society resulting from the fourth industrial revolution
ShortThe international community has to continue its search not for an elusive general consensus on the desirable world order, but rather for attainable compromises on specific matters
ShortGeopolitical turbulence, coupled with Afghanistan’s crucial geography, offers a high potential for this country to become a stage for a global conflict
ShortChina's success should teach us that no other nation should try to copy China's model but should instead create a national model for itself
ShortIndependence on paper or in practice? On the prospects of cooperation between Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso in security and social development
ShortThe possibility of Lapland becoming a central NATO stronghold in Northern Europe would be a new major chapter in the alliance's “Arctic pivot”.
ShortIt would be unrealistic to expect that the future world order will be free of conflict. The world will retain its diversity, with different potentials of countries and their competition
ShortThe fate of the future world order still depends on the ability of the 'troika' to control rivalry and on the results of such rivalry
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