Analytical articles
Has the situation on the Korean Peninsula become more dangerous, and how should Russia proceed given these circumstances?
ShortThe true potential of Russia–Pakistan relations lies in their ability to adapt to changing geopolitical realities while maintaining a focus on shared interests
ShortThe process and regimes of arms control reduce the threat of war between participating countries. However, they cannot by themselves dictate their entire foreign policy, which is shaped by many other…
ShortIn the 21st century, the whole idea of junior and senior partners looks outdated and even archaic. True international partnerships are based on mutual respect, empathy and a carefully calibrated…
ShortAmerica will more-so have to adapt to the emerging world than to adapt the world to itself
ShortThe figure of the U.S. president is unlikely to play a big role in Russian-American relations
ShortUS-Chinese relations will most likely follow a course of controlled rivalry over the next four years
ShortMoscow’s policy of building transaction mechanisms independent of the Western financial infrastructure will reduce the ability of Western countries to use their financial capabilities for political…
ShortWhat problems does Turkey seek to solve by joining the group and why does BRICS need it?
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