The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism

Тема: Экономика
Год издания: 1982
Авторы / под ред. :


Издательство: Madison Books

ISBN: 0 -8191- 7823 - 3

The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism is a book written by philosopher Michael Novak and published by Simon and Schuster in 1982. Irving Kristol described it as “unquestionably a major work for our times.” In this book, Novak aims to understand and analyze the theological assumptions of democratic capitalism, its spirit, it values, and its intentions. Novak defines democratic capitalism as a pluralistic social system that contrasts with the unitary state of the traditional society and the modern socialist state. He analyzes it as a differentiation of society into three power centers: a political sector, an economic sector, and a moral-cultural sector. Each sector needs the others. Democracy needs the market economy and both need a pluralistic liberal culture. Against the continuing growth of democratic capitalism, modern socialism has contracted from a robust utopian program into vague “idealism about equality” and overwrought criticism of capitalism, most notably in the “liberation theology” of Latin America. Novak ends with the “beginnings of a theological perspective on democratic capitalism”(p28) illuminated by the journey from Marxism to realism of Reinhold Niebuhr.

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