Robert Bosch: His Life and Achievements

Год издания: 1994
Авторы / под ред. :


Издательство: Henry Holt & Co; 1st edition

ISBN: 978-0805030679

Founded in 1886 by Bosch, German-based Robert Bosch GmbH is one of the world's largest manufacturers of automobile equipment. Bosch worked in the U.S. with Thomas Edison, and Bosch's firm was responsible for the invention of the spark plug and magneto. He was an early proponent of the eight-hour workday and free trade. By the early 1900s Bosch's company had established worldwide operations, but most of its American holdings were appropriated during World War I. Biographer Heuss was a journalist and professor who served as president of West Germany from 1949 to 1959. His thorough, workmanlike profile of Bosch's life first appeared in 1946 and was reissued in Germany in 1986. This first English translation is recommended for business history collections.

Editorial Reviews from David Rouse /

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