Philanthropy in Europe. A rich past, a promising future

Регион: Европа
Год издания: 2008


Отв. редакторы: Норин Макдональд, Люк Тайарт де Бормс

Организации: King Baudouin Foundation, Network of European Foundations, Mercator Fund

Издательство: Alliance Publishing Trust

ISBN: 978-0-9558804-0-7

Numerous books have been published on American philanthropy – its origins, its heroes, its achievements and its shortcomings. But philanthropy in Europe has been largely neglected. This book will start to fill this gap.

This book examines the tradition, history and diverse roles of philanthropy in Europe through profiles and essays. The book contains 13 profiles of philanthropic endeavours in Europe. Some feature individuals, such as Calouste Gulbenkian, Bernard van Leer, Stephan Schmidheiny and Henry Wellcome. Others portray living donors of today or describe foundations not established by individuals such as Compagnia di San Paolo and Foundation de France.

These profiles are followed by six essays written by practitioners and experts focusing on the different roles foundations play in our societies and insights on the diverse origins of philanthropy in Europe.

Электронная версия публикации (Источник: Network of European Foundation)

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