OECD Rural Policy Reviews. Finland

Регион: Арктика
Год издания: 2008


Издательство: OECD

ISBN: 978-92-64-04194-3

Finland is one of the most rural countries within the OECD, and it is also one of the early adopters of a multi-sectoral approach to rural policy. As such, the origins and evolution of Finnish rural policy are of great interest to both OECD countries and non-OECD countries alike, many of whom are still in the early stages of development. A first rural policy review was conducted for Finland in 1995, and this edition offers a unique look at how Finnish rural policy has evolved since the initial recommendations made in 1995.

The Finnish model of rural policy has been reasonably successful in achieving coherence among sectoral policies oriented to rural areas (the so-called broad rural policy) and in tailoring specific programmes to promote rural development (the so-called narrow rural policy). The Rural Policy Committee has played a crucial role in the governance of rural policy, bringing together diverse actors and advocating for rural communities. Key priorities for the future are delivering public services to an ageing and dispersed population more equitably and efficiently, enhancing the competitiveness of an increasing number of non-farm-related rural firms, and improving the business environment in rural areas by fully utilising their abundant natural amenities.

This report will be of interest to policy makers, researchers, NGOs and others active in rural development.

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    Увеличение количества мусора  
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    Вырубка лесов  
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     186 (54.39%)
    Загрязнение воздуха  
     153 (44.74%)
    Проблема захоронения ядерных отходов  
     106 (30.99%)
    Истощение полезных ископаемых  
     90 (26.32%)
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    Сокращение биоразнообразия  
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    Звуковое загрязнение  
     25 (7.31%)
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