Globalization and the Poor: Exploitation or Equalizer?

Тема: Многополярный мир
Год издания: 2003
Авторы / под ред. :


Издательство: International Debate Education Association

ISBN: 0-9720541-0-3

A sourcebook on contemporary controversies, brings together articles that address both sides of the debate: does the global economy harm or help the poor? The first section alleges that the global economic system disadvantages and exploits the poor. The second section refutes the first, asserting that globalization has the potential to empower and enrich the poor. The third section examines the role governments and international organizations play in globalization?s effects on the poor. The final quarter of the book is a case study of the East Asian Crisis: how international organizations and governments responded to the crisis and how their policies affected the poor. The book concludes with original source documents and a glossary of key terms.

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