Far from business as usual : United Nations' responses to international terrorism

Тема: Безопасность
Год издания: 2002


Издательство: Danish Institute of International Affairs

ISBN: 87-90681-59-2

11th September saw the most dramatic and destructive terrorist incident that the world has yet witnessed. What has since become known as the “war against terrorism” is taking place on a global scale. It involves hunting down terrorists and building up capacity to prevent similar events occurring in the future. Both dimensions require a global approach that is based upon internationally accepted standards.

Far from Business as Usual sets this activity within the context of the United Nations’ long-standing, but largely unheralded, work to provide a comprehensive and legitimised basis for countering terrorism.

Recent progress by the world-body stands in marked contrast to previous attempts to deal with the problem. For the first time, there is consensus on a common agenda and an institutional mechanism to guide its implementation. 

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    Увеличение количества мусора  
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