EU and Russia: face to face (materials of the International conference)

Регион: Европа
Год издания: 2007


Издательство: Tomsk State University Publishing House

ISBN: 5-7511-1940-1

The conference on “EU-Russia Relations” was held in Salzburg, Austria, on 15-16 July 2006. It was the last major activity to be made within the TEMPUS – TACIS project MP – JEP 23068-2002. Representatives of nine partner – universities as well as other European universities participated in the conference. During two days more than two dozens of papers were presented, which addressed various aspects of European integration history, the functioning of European Union institutions, EU-Russia relations, EU policy towards various countries and regions, and actual security problems in Europe. The collection of te conference papers presents a broad set of original researches and might be useful for students, university teachers, researchers of history and international relations and all those interested in European integration processes as well as in world politics issues.

Прошедший опрос

  1. Какие угрозы для окружающей среды, на ваш взгляд, являются наиболее важными для России сегодня? Отметьте не более трех пунктов
    Увеличение количества мусора  
     228 (66.67%)
    Вырубка лесов  
     214 (62.57%)
    Загрязнение воды  
     186 (54.39%)
    Загрязнение воздуха  
     153 (44.74%)
    Проблема захоронения ядерных отходов  
     106 (30.99%)
    Истощение полезных ископаемых  
     90 (26.32%)
    Глобальное потепление  
     83 (24.27%)
    Сокращение биоразнообразия  
     77 (22.51%)
    Звуковое загрязнение  
     25 (7.31%)
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