Creating the Future: the Massachusetts comeback and its promise for America

Тема: Экономика
Год издания: 1988
Авторы / под ред. :


ISBN: 0-671-65882-4

Издательство: Summit books

Организация: Rockefeller Center

This unusual collaboration between a sitting governor and a policy analyst (Harvard Business School) generally succeeds. While the authors are biased in their positive evaluations, they also provide much solid evidence to support their conclusions. Dukakis wrote the first and last chapters; the others interweave Kanter's business case studies with Dukakis's narrative. Kanter shows how Dukakis helped create jobs, encouraging use of new technologies, focusing on neglected areas and people, and making it easier for established firms to do business, but warns that the same methods might not apply elsewhere. She credits much of his success to hands-on leadership, use of terms, and capacity to grow and learn.

Gary D. Barber, SUNY at Fredonia Lib.
Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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