China on the Ground in Latin America

Тема: АТР
Регион: Восточная Азия и АТР
Год издания: 2014
Авторы / под ред. :


Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan

ISBN: 9781137439765

China on the Ground in Latin America tells the story of the fundamental but little-discussed change in the nature of PRC engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean since 2009 as Chinese companies have begun to operate in the region. Author Evan Ellis provides an in-depth panorama of Chinese commercial activities across sectors from petroleum, mining, and agriculture to manufacturing, construction, and other services.

The book engagingly analyzes how this new physical presence is creating challenges for Chinese businesses - challenges that range from security challenges, to winning projects, to dealing with local laborers, communities, indigenous groups, and environmentalists.

In China on the Ground in Latin America, Ellis expertly dissects the dilemma that the Chinese government faces regarding how to use its growing soft power and other instruments to protect its interests in the region in the context of its insistence on its respect for the internal affairs of its partners as sovereign countries.

Прошедший опрос

  1. Какие угрозы для окружающей среды, на ваш взгляд, являются наиболее важными для России сегодня? Отметьте не более трех пунктов
    Увеличение количества мусора  
     228 (66.67%)
    Вырубка лесов  
     214 (62.57%)
    Загрязнение воды  
     186 (54.39%)
    Загрязнение воздуха  
     153 (44.74%)
    Проблема захоронения ядерных отходов  
     106 (30.99%)
    Истощение полезных ископаемых  
     90 (26.32%)
    Глобальное потепление  
     83 (24.27%)
    Сокращение биоразнообразия  
     77 (22.51%)
    Звуковое загрязнение  
     25 (7.31%)
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