Emeka Kingsley Ezemenaka

A goal oriented and process driven individual, with varied experience in capacity development, research and communication. Currently concluding a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict studies at the University of Ibadan Nigeria, he is currently volunteering with the Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team. At NEST, he anchors the social media and web exposure of the team, in terms of wider reach for communication of its ideas and publications. Emeka seeks opportunities in the Non-governmental sector, to leverage his skills and interest in capacity building and program coordination. At leisure hours, Emeka enjoys playing his bass guitar and swimming. Facebook Handle: EmekaFidoo Twitter Handle: EmekaFidoo Skype Handle: kingsley.ezemenaka Linkedin: ng.linkedin.com/pub/emeka-kingsley-ezemenaka/37/865/aa4 This blog bring to fore the Africa issues, Analysis and Discussions within Africa having observed and witnessing drastic changes and uprising over the last decade. Thus, using this platform to propagate the dangers inherent to security issues in Africa as it could be a problem to the international communities if not addressed properly. "

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  1. Какие угрозы для окружающей среды, на ваш взгляд, являются наиболее важными для России сегодня? Отметьте не более трех пунктов
    Увеличение количества мусора  
     228 (66.67%)
    Вырубка лесов  
     214 (62.57%)
    Загрязнение воды  
     186 (54.39%)
    Загрязнение воздуха  
     153 (44.74%)
    Проблема захоронения ядерных отходов  
     106 (30.99%)
    Истощение полезных ископаемых  
     90 (26.32%)
    Глобальное потепление  
     83 (24.27%)
    Сокращение биоразнообразия  
     77 (22.51%)
    Звуковое загрязнение  
     25 (7.31%)
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