Salam AL Rabadi
Ученая степень: | PhD : Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science & International Relations |
Блог: | Prospects of strategy |
Researcher and author in: international relations \ political science \ Global political economy
Education: Currently : extensive researches into theories that explain international relations. Carry out in-depth researches in international relations at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.SPAIN \ 2013 - 2015. Diploma in international criminal law and international criminal procedure. Institute of asser \ NETHERLANDS 2011 \ 2012. Introductory course for doctoral degree with a very good grade. Beirut Arab University. LEABANON \ 2010. Master's degree in international economic relations.
LEABANON \ 2009 . Diploma in international relations and diplomacy \.LEABANON \ 2005. BA in political science and administrative \ Lebanese University. LEABANON \ 2003.
Publications: 1-book: Confidante and global variables: State era and the era of market. 2- book: The global influence of transnational corporations:The problematic relationship between the state and capital. 3- book: Israeli strategy and the U.S. war on Iraq (not yet released ). 4- book The water issue in international relations (not yet released)
Studies and Scientific research: A wide range of studies and scientific research in a variety of topics in: International relations, International law, Global political economy, Political science, World Trade Organization (WTO), Environmental issues, Sustainable development,criminal law and international criminal procedure, Issues of global civil society, Middle East issues, Arab world...
Cooperation with a lot of research and study centers, magazines and newspapers in various countries: LEBANON. YEMAN. USA. MOROCCO. UNITED KINGDOM. SPAIN. UAE. QATAR. JORDAN. EGYPT. SYRIA. IRAQ.TUNISIA. AUSTRALIA. FRANCE. SAUDI ARABIA . KUWAIT. LIBYA. BAHRAIN. OMAN. IRAN....
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