The Permanent Campaign: Inside the World Of Elite Political Operatives
Регион: | Северная Америка |
Авторы / под ред. : | Sidney Blumenthal |
Издательство: Beacon Press
ISBN: 0-8070-3208-5
Political consultants are the new power within the American political system. They are permanent; the politicians ephemeral. The consultants have supplanted the old party bosses as the link to the voters. Consultants have the personal contact, possess knowledge of the intimate history of campaigns, and have the voter-catching skills that party bosses once prided themselves on. It is not surprising that the rise of the consultants has paralleled the decline of the parties. The permanent campaign is the political ideology of our age. It combines image-making with strategic calculation. Under the permanent campaign governing is turned into a perpetual campaign. Moreover, it remakes government into an instrument designed to sustain an elected official’s public popularity. The permanent campaign seeks to restore the legitimacy of the state by maintaining the credibility of politicians. For different candidates, the permanent campaign will assume different shapes; but whichever candidate triumphs, the permanent campaign will remain. The permanent campaign is not the game plan of any specific politician, it is a description of the new process of American politics.
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