Currency Wars

Mikhail Yeremeev

The RIAC Currency Wars blog will be a blog analyzing the manipulation of currency exchange rates and other financial indexes by governments to benefit their respective countries both politically and economically. This blog will be written for those who are interested in learning about how economical factors influence international politics. My blog will also analyze the economic relations between the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China, and the steps both governments are taking to reduce the influence of the US dollar in global trade. I believe that it is important for western investors to understand the activities of emerging markets, in order to understand their aims, and look for potential investment opportunities. As a young adult with much experience living both in the United States and in Russia, I have seen the differences in both societies, and hopefully with my blog, I will be able to help others understand Russian macroeconomic and international aims.

New entries

July 29, 2014

The period before this crisis in America and in the Western World was considered to be the “Second Gilded Age.” Simply put, people were making a ton of money. In the financial sector, bonuses were robust, and that is putting it lightly. It…

July 17, 2014

With the souring of relations between the United States and Russia, Russia has expressed its desire to become less dependent on the US dollar. This is an understandable concern, given the political tension between the two countries, coupled with the…

July 14, 2014

Currency Wars follows the actions of governments and central banks to manipulate their currencies and currency denominated securities to their advantage and to the disadvantages of foreign markets. At the present day the focus will be on China and the…