Short version

On July 11, 2016, Moscow became the venue for the 162nd Bergedorf Round Table titled “Russia and Europe: What Unites Us, What Divides Us?” held by the Russian International Affairs Council and the Körber Foundation, Germany, with participation of key Russian and European politicians, experts and public figures. The Bergedorf Round Table is a prominent platform for discussion of pressing global problems held every six months in various countries.

Full version

On July 11, 2016, Moscow became the venue for the 162nd Bergedorf Round Table titled “Russia and Europe: What Unites Us, What Divides Us?” held by the Russian International Affairs Council and the Körber Foundation, Germany, with participation of key Russian and European politicians, experts and public figures.

The Bergedorf Round Table is a prominent platform for discussion of pressing global problems held every six months in various countries. 

Igor Ivanov's Speech at the 162nd Bergedorf Round Table (In Russian)

The 162nd Bergedorf Round Table in Moscow

Photo credits: Körber Foundation / Yurii Sergeev