Short version

On June 20, 2014, RIAC and UNDP held a roundtable "Current Problems of Central Asia Development", with the UNDP represented by UN Resident Coordinators/UNDP Resident Representatives in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, their deputies, and officers of the UNDP Regional Bureau in Europe and Central Asia.

Full version

On June 20, 2014, RIAC and UNDP held a roundtable "Current Problems of Central Asia Development", with the UNDP represented by UN Resident Coordinators/UNDP Resident Representatives in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, their deputies, and officers of the UNDP Regional Bureau in Europe and Central Asia.

The RIAC representatives included Program Director Ivan Timofeyev and Program Manager Elena Alekseyenkova, with reports made by RIAC experts on Central Asia, among them Andrey Kazantsev, Director of Analytical Center at MGIMO Institute for International Studies, Elena Kuzmina, Head of Sector for Economic Development of Post-Soviet Countries at RAS Institute of Economics, Vladimir Bartenev, Director of Center for Security and Development at Department of World Politics of Moscow State University, and Eugenia Voiko, Assistant Professor of Applied Political Science Department at Financial University of the Russian Federation Government.

The participants exchanged opinions on Central Asia development problems, with the UNDP resident representatives eager to hear the Russians pundits' views because in recent years Moscow has been a key regional donor, and RIAC is interested in the feedback on its research from the largest international institution engaged in assisting Central Asian development.