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Initial Thoughts on Trump's Syria U-turn

At 04:40 Syrian time, on US President Donald Trump’s order, the destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross fired a barrage of 59 cruise missiles against the Syrian Al-Shayrat airbase, destroying infrastructure ranging from radar installations to air defences, and resulting in the deaths of several ...

12.04.2017 13:27:12

The Weaponization of Russia in US Domestic Politics

In domestic American political discourse, Russia has become a bludgeon with which the liberal establishment seeks to beat President Donald Trump and his administration. In effect, by appealing to Russia as the source of Trump’s electoral success, the American deep state is working to delegitimise the new administration. In the view of this narrative, Trump’s policies, especially ...

12.04.2017 13:23:12

Republic of Georgia Shows Trump & His Fans Depressingly Normal

The worst thing about Trump? Globally, people like him and his supporters are everywhere and their politics maddeningly banal, as the ethno-centric politics of hate in the Caucasian Republic of Georgia demonstrate frightening similarities to the same politics in the Unites ...

12.10.2016 15:03:00

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