The Youth in World Politics

How the youth ends nuclear arms testing

October 11, 2018

The invention of a nuclear weapon in the middle of the XX century formed out the new realities of the international order. The further the nuclear arms got advanced the more it became obvious that the weapon was dangerous. However, it has to be mentioned that to the nuclear arms owned by both centers of influence during the Cold War we own the decades of relative peace and stability. If USSR has not developed so quickly its’ nuclear capacity the United States would be likely to use their weapon as the threat or manipulation tool to further advance the interests of the American empire. Since the U.S. administration was aware that Soviet Union had something to respond with, since the both powers knew one could destroy another they provided themselves with a crucial ground for peace processes and negotiations. This was the world back in Cold War age.

Now we live in the XXI century – the age of challenges that require global cooperation of all states more than ever before. International terrorism, climate change, breakout of influence in the Middle East and areas worldwide resulting in uncontrolled migration require coordinate actions from not only the major nuclear powers but from the whole society of states. In many ways a nuclear weapon turned out to be more dangerous than ever, especially with the growth of international terrorism. There is no place for nuclear weapons in the modern age and the youth is especially interested in getting involved with deciding the future of the nuclear arms. For this purpose, the youth advocates for the comprehensive nuclear disarmament plan to establish the independent commission on youth attitude towards nuclear arms (ICYATNA) which is to collect and process data from 32.000 respondents from all over the world on the attitude of the youth to peace, security and nuclear arms by 2025. The whole ambitiousness with which emerging young leaders address the agenda of global peace and security shows that the youth cares about the world and has all credibility to take active participation in political and social processes that are to resolve many of the issues regarding global peace and security.

The ninth Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT

Taken on September 27, 2018

Source: The Official CTBTO Photostream

There is another excellent example of how impressive the youth efforts can turn out which is the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty Organization* (CTBTO) Youth Group, established in 2016 to further advocate for the key principle of CTBT which is to end nuclear arms testing. The youth courageously took on the task of bridging the gaps between science and diplomacy as well as showing the impressive outreach to the public. The youth of CTBT focuses on explaining what the Treaty is and why it is important speaking a relatively simple language once addressing the public. This is important for a better understanding since sometimes the most needed changes in thinking and acting in politics come from the public. The global community is yet to understand the whole need of ending nuclear arms testing throughout the world and the Youth of CTBT is doing a great job in this regard.

Never has the youth been so capable of having a global impact than today and it is undeniable that the youth is not a problem to solve but a problem-solver itself. This is why the engagement of the youth is important and crucial for a better world and stronger peace. Large organizations will highly benefit from developing the further inclusiveness of the youth potential into their work which is proven by the successful experience CTBTO has gained from being open and welcoming to the youth and what it has to say and offer to the world.

*The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is an international organization that will be established upon the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, a Convention that outlaws nuclear test explosions. Its seat will be Vienna, Austria. The organization will be tasked with verifying the ban on nuclear tests and will operate therefore a worldwide monitoring system and may conduct on site inspections. The Preparatory Commission for the CTBTO, and its Provisional Technical Secretariat, were established in 1997 and are headquartered in Vienna, Austria. (Source: