Popular publications experts


September 20, 2024
Basel Haj Jasem

Ph.D., Researcher, Political advisor

The South Caucasus and Iran's Complex Calculations
September 5, 2024
Merve Suna Özel Özcan

Ph.D, Associate Professor and the Vice Chair of the IR Department at Kirikkale University, Türkiye

Türkiye and BRICS: Diversifying Alliances
August 30, 2024
Rajoli Siddharth Jayaprakash

Research Assistant at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi

The Limits of Strategic Autonomy: Modi’s Visit to Ukraine
August 7, 2024
Rich Berdan

Freelance writer, based in Detroit, MI, U.S.A.

Iran’s Quandary Following the Assassination in the Homeland
August 7, 2024
Hamna Ghias Sheikh

MPhil in International Relations, Researcher on Pakistan and current affairs

Shadows of Escalation: The Ripple Effects of Ismail Haniyeh's Assassination on Middle Eastern Stability
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