Short version

On October 12, 2023, a round table “Middle East Settlement: 45 Years of the Camp David Accords” was organized as a part of the XV Russian International Studies Association (RISA) Convention “Non-Western World: Russia’s Role and Opportunities”. The event was held at the MGIMO University. In the framework of the round table, experts discussed the causes of the aggravation of the situation around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as the possible consequences of escalation for the Middle East.

Full version

On October 12, 2023, a round table “Middle East Settlement: 45 Years of the Camp David Accords” was organized as a part of the XV Russian International Studies Association (RISA) Convention “Non-Western World: Russia’s Role and Opportunities”. The event was held at the MGIMO University. In the framework of the round table, experts discussed the causes of the aggravation of the situation around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as the possible consequences of escalation for the Middle East.

The event was attended by Luisa Khlebnikova, Researcher at the Department of Israel and the Jewish Communities of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS, Lyudmila Samarskaya, Research Fellow at the Center for the Middle East Studies of the IMEMO RAS, and Ivan Bocharov, Program Coordinator at the RIAC. Matvey Tsarev, Postgraduate Student of MGIMO University, moderated the discussion. The meeting was also attended by Vladimir Bartenev, Professor at the Institute for Advanced Strategic Studies of the HSE University.