Short version

On March 23, 2012 Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) under the auspices of the President’s Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation holds in Moscow a workshop conference “Euro-Atlantic security community: myth or reality?”

Over 200 participants will be attending the event. T. Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe is expected to address the conference. Among the participants are such distinguished foreign experts as J. Solana, W. Perry, General J. Jones, V.Ruhe, D. Browne, F. Heisbourg, R. Burt, B. Blair and others.

Full version

On March 23, 2012 Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) under the auspices of the President’s Administration and the Government of the Russian Federation holds in Moscow a workshop conference “Euro-Atlantic security community: myth or reality?”

The motto of the conference is “from political declarations to concrete actions”. Prominent Russian politicians, scholars, experts and public figures will be discussing the steps to be taken in humanitarian, economic and military spheres with a view to overcoming distrust and other “cold war” residues and embarking on building a single, integrated Euro-Atlantic security system that will allow to effectively meet the 21st century threats and challenges and successfully grapple with the attainment of development goals.

The topicality of these issues becomes even stronger against the backdrop of intractable economic and financial problems of the Euro-Atlantic area, deeper internal political differences in many countries of the region and fiercer global competition. Most of these problems cannot be resolved unless there is progress made in security sphere.

Over 200 participants will be attending the event. T. Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe is expected to address the conference. Among the participants are such distinguished foreign experts as J. Solana, W. Perry, General J. Jones, V.Ruhe, D. Browne, F. Heisbourg, R. Burt, B. Blair and others. The conference will be held on March 23, 2012 in Ukraina- Radisson Royal Hotel (2/1, bld. 1, Kutuzovsky Av., Moscow).