Anna Maria Rada Leenders' Blog

Using Cosmos to Resolve Controllable Chaos and Unpredictable Anarchy

September 25, 2018
“The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.” (Aristotle, OTH, 271b8)

Let us begin a new era of conceiving cooperation through Cosmos the ancient Greek term for order. Space it is so distant from the troubles we are confronted with on this planet that we rarely discuss or contemplate this new real sphere. Yet cosmos is the direction of our international relations, new innovative economic ventures, the infrastructure of our modern society and even the astrophysics discoveries and real time approaches to the source of our creation. A spiritual awakening close to the Noosphere, a mathematical conjecture, a formula of the Theory of Everything, in brief a scientific modeling or plausible description of God.

What we are hearing about space currently is a type of Star Wars. I hear the term militarization of space. We are succinctly and distinctly agree on the peaceful use of space. The caveat as in all situations is that it is the placement of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear weapons in space that is forbidden due to the immediate and lethal nature for the entire planet. Application of any other weapons is perfectly permissible, even advisable in light of dangers known and unknown, earthly and unearthly from and in space.

Star Wars Battlefront II (XboxOne)

The United States the department of defense announcement of the details of the new Space Force on the eve of the 9/11 commemoration is a sign for the future to come. Already in February President Trump revealed the intentions of a new scenario referred to as Star Wars in the press. By mid May President Putin ordered a new weapon S 500. The S 500 is capable of annihilating threatening space objects at the highest altitudes. A foremost priority continues to be the cyber space and information space, the nano and anti satellite equipment. It is in this domaine that the militarization of space as well as the commercialization of space has the greatest significance. In light of the formation of a global Information Space, the stakes in the Information Society are high and are being played to a great degree in Space. Yesterday, details of the type of equipment to be launched by the United States into space have been revealed. China and France have also launched new systems with a primary aim of creating spatial defenses. At the forefront is anti satellite defense systems of the information and cyber space.

Space gives us the fourth domaine as an infrastructure for the post perestroika global unification into a single system. Respectively, the opportunity to jointly create a new foundation for global cooperation is relevant in the still novel space domaine. The rules of the game the structure of the cooperation, the regularity of the meetings between respective space agencies can be crafted in such a way that they reverse the conflictual tendencies on earth. Space offers a new global region for interaction on the basis of the success of the academic, technological and governance triad of each space power. Our new and innovative political science concepts can be used to create the format of a new form of regulation. The new international organization would be networked with new sites at strategic planetary and orbital locations with multinational specialists guiding local populations as point of information, as well as, for coordinating the peaceful use of the space programs. The network of satellites and earth stations monitoring from space could become a part of this new international networked organization. Each earthly site can encompass specific guidelines for how to optimally use the information space, such as, digital economy start ups that provide information useful for how to apply new technologies in remote and urban environments.

As Bill Clinton remarked, “You know what will bring us all together on this planet is an Alien attack.” We should preemptively begin our cooperation to rebuild our international relations jointly. Space can be the laboratory for cooperation bringing together and constructing in reverse the cooperation of the mirror image opposite of our century of conflict. It is a way of reversing the conflictual pattern and not exactly coming back to a point but actually constructing upward from the power of our differences. As the variations enable creating a unified mosaic. Space can enlighten our national image, create new spheres of cooperation, and profitability.

Perhaps, I am overly idealistic or optimistic, but ultimately we must imagine the positive to be able to create it. Our words and actions create positive dreams and directions. Of course, being vigilant through our weapons systems is important, but each weapon is created on the foundation of an unsuccessful union. In simultaneously creating the art and science spheres of cooperation with our spiritual awakening and creativity in space, successful unions will decrease the occasion of space weapons production.

Space as a technological sphere can serve the purpose of uniting together the systems. Both a positive and threatening uses of space can be regulated through the new international organizations network. Thus the greater space powers can coordinate with the smaller space powers on the positive distribution of space based services and resources for our planet. This is the type of coordinating and mediating role can incorporate smaller space states or states that do not yet have a space presence into the actual universal governance institutions.

Chaos and Cosmos are complementary themes unifying and crafting the realm of international and national politics. Chaos is not a linguistic or political synonym for anarchy. Chaos is the scientific law of the theory of revolution. Chaos is an indeterminate and formless state the world finds itself in. As with the butterfly impact, immeasurably small differences of initial conditions of chaos can produce entirely different results for the system, yielding different behavioral routes. The sophistications characteristic of randomness, gives rise to the term chaos.

The parameters of the system are the aspects that describe the order. Space and cosmos are the natural order. The conditions of stability establish patterns of order through society. To evaluate change in the system, self-driven or induced, these conditions are considered. The chaos and cosmos duality is the main dialectical contradiction international politics. At various periods of history cosmos and chaos have altered places as predominant in the contours of the political world. The merging of chaos and cosmos would yield a new whole political form of governance. Cosmos opposes and counters chaos. Cosmos presents the world as being organized in a decent, rational and animate whole.

Cosmos is a concept that arises from Ancient Greek philosophy. The concept of Cosmos was introduced by Pythagorus, and applied by Heriklon, Anaksagorom, Empedoklom, Parmenifom, Democriton, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics. The most vivid ancient vision of the Cosmos is reflected in Plato’s Timea. In Timea, Plato states that matter and space are one and the same. (Aristotle, Physics, 209 Karpova 1936 translation) This analogy is continued with the introduction of additional dimensions of time, and strings, and variables of matter in alternative forms, such as, energy with the theory of general relativity.

The process of innovation is eternally a new conception of the use of time and space.

As we search for new paradigms of imagining our international relations system, paradigms arise from our sciences especially the visualizations from physics. Consistently it is the balance of space, in its three dimensions, and time. Initially I begin with imagining the interrelationship between the factors of time and space. The paradigm comes from physics and is most advanced in the theory of relativity of Einstein in the convertibility of energy into matter, and the Calculus instantaneousness of time. The cycles of prediction or the linear pattern of progress as a range with an upward spiral that moves according to innovation cycles is a visualization of the social movement of time. Astrophysics paradigms related to cosmos and the technological possibilities unleashed in Space are an opportunity for imagining new institutions of global governance.

The concept of Space is sufficiently controversial. Cosmos from one side, from one perspective concentrates the reflections of mythological attitudes. Cosmos as Universal living being, protecting its eternal perspective, the concept of Cosmos as rational organized whole opens possibilities for subsequent rational conceptions of the world, its knowledge noosphere and activities and creative improvements. The ordering activity of the Demiurge (a being responsible for the creation of the universe in particular a heavenly being, the maker or creator of the world) is the first step of the rational imagination of what the Cosmos is. Comprehending space through spiritual, religious and philosophical reflection and intuition was supplemented and then perhaps predominantly replaced by scientific and mathematical forms. Then legal and political, even economic, purely rational approaches have been superimposed upon Space.

Space is thus being rationally acquisitioned. We have a chance to establish the corresponding innovative diplomatic institutions to regulate Space. These new regulatory and governance forms could be used to ameliorate conditions on Earth. The creation of cosmos is god given. Humankind through reaching into higher levels of consciousness becomes a creator. We still have a chance to clean the beginning of the creation of the socio economic and political layer of Space by joint technological projects and even the rising tapestry of commercial activity amongst the stars.