The Poisoned Tongue. A documentary history of racism and prejudice
Регион: | Северная Америка |
Год издания: | 1972 |
Авторы / под ред. : | Стэнли Фельдстейн |
Издательство: William Morrow & Company
ISBN: 0-688-06022-6
This unique anthology, edited by Stanley Feldstein, author of Once A Slave: The Slave’s View of Slavery and a history teacher in the New York City public school system, documents concretely and irrefutably one of the most controversial themes on our national experience – Americans’ deep and ongoing racism and prejudice against people with different-colored skin, different religions, different nationalities.
The documents are arranged chronologically and are divided into key periods of American history. Each section is introduced by Stanley Feldstein with brief objective commentaries that place each selection in its proper historical and ideological perspective.
The total effect of this book is overwhelming and necessarily discomforting. But in presenting evidence on our heritage that points at nothing so much as human weakness and fear, The Poisoned Tongue becomes indispensable to a more realistic and enlightened interpretation of the American past – and thus, inevitably, its present.
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