Prospects for Korean-Russian Relations in the Context of the Summit Meeting
Тема: | АТР |
Регион: | Восточная Азия и АТР |
Год издания: | 1995 |
Организация: Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Seoul, Korea
Издательство: Seoul Computer Press
The book grew out of an international conference on "Prospects for Korean-Russian Relations in the Context of the ROK-Russia Summit Meeting", which was held in Moscow, Russia, on 4-5 October 1994, jointly organized by Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), Korea and Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russia.
As its title suggested, the primary purpose of the conference was to enhance mutual understanding and find ways to promote closer relations between the two countries, and to examine the peace and security issues in Northeast Asia and develop concrete measures to elaborate a working peace system on the Korean Peninsula.
The intellectual debts of this book are to the many speakers and participants of the conference; all have collectively contributed to the understanding of the important issues involved in emerging power relationships in the Asia-Pacific Region and in future Korean-Russian ties.
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