Contemporary Southeast Asia
Тема: | АТР |
Регион: | Восточная Азия и АТР |
Год издания: | 2016 |
V38/1. April 2016
Publisher: ISEAS-Yosuf Ishak Institute
ISSN: 0129-797X
Contemporary Southeast Asia, published since May 1979, is an internationally refereed journal that specialises in the domestic politics of ASEAN countries, strategic/security issues, political economy, regionalism and international affairs of Southeast Asia and the wider Asia-Pacific region. Apart from serving as a reliable and up-to-date source of information on various events, developments and trends in regional politics, international relations and security questions that affect Southeast Asia, CSEA also publishes the results of original research written by scholars, policymakers, think-tank analysts and doctoral candidates.
David Capie, Indonesia as an Emerging Peacekeeping Power: Norm Revisionist or Pragmatic Provider?
Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, Syariahization of Intra-Muslim Religious Freedom and Human Rights Practise in Malaysia: The Case of Darul Arqam
Anton Tsvetov, After Crimea: Southeast Asia in Russia's Foreign Policy Narrative
Brendan M. Howe and Nurliana Kamaruddin, Good Governance and Human Security in Malaysia: Sarawak's Hydroelectric Conundrum
Mathew Davies, Women and Development, Not Gender and Politics: Explaining ASEAN's Failure to Engage with the Women, Peace and Secutirty Agenda
Ashley South and Marie Lall, Language, Education and the Peace Process in Myanmar
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