... the CNA Military Advisory Board, the first group of U.S. generals and admirals to address national security implications of climate change. And the reason we characterize it as a threat multiplier is that it exacerbates other security threats, such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, geopolitical risks. We know that a warming planet, rising sea levels, thawing permafrost all lead to a greater planetary instability, which adds to other instabilities we now experience around the world.
Do environmental ...
... other international actors to fill the void left by the United States and map out a strategy for Central Asian stability. In the
words of President Vladimir Putin of Russia
, the US withdrawal has opened “a Pandora’s box full of problems related to terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime and, unfortunately, religious extremism”. What if Afghanistan turns out to be a hotbed for international terrorism?
Andrey Kazantsev:
Prospects and Scenarios for Afghanistan: Russian and Chinese Interests
... completely eliminated. It is not. But at least Americans could feel safer compared to less lucky residents of Europe, not to mention the Middle East, North Africa or South Asia.
On the other hand, US military engagements overseas aimed at containing terrorism fell short of initial expectations. The most recent fiasco in Afghanistan is a graphic illustration of a long-term track record that includes Iraq, Libya, Liberia, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria. Though president Barack Obama stated back in May of ...
... territorial unit in Afghanistan, as well as via ethnic terrorist groups with ties to Al-Qaeda.
Russia inevitably perceives growing threats in Afghanistan and in Central Asia in the context of the above events.
Interconnected threats of international terrorism in Central Asia, Afghanistan and the Middle East
As the U.S. withdraws its troops and the civil war grows progressively bitter, the instability in Afghanistan is creating major security problems for Central Asian states.
Even if we take the ...
Inteview with Ardian Shajkovci, Director of the American Counterterrorism Targeting and Resilience Institute
Ardian is a counter-terrorism researcher, lecturer and security analyst, with a field research experience in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Western Europe, the Balkans, Kenya, Somalia and Central Asia. Ardian is the ...
Interview with Director of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-Terrorism, prof. Christian Kaunert
Christian Kaunert
is the Director of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-Terrorism (EUCTER). He is the Chair of Policing and Security, as well as the Director of the International Centre for Policing and ...
RIAC and ISPI Joint Report
RIAC and ISPI Joint Report
This Report brings together experts and scholars in an effort to ponder on possible post-pandemic trends in the Southern Mediterranean. The aim is to help readers navigate the future of the Southern Mediterranean region, by offering new insights and guidance to regional and non-regional governments, civil society, and the public at large.
After the Storm: Post-Pandemic Trends in the Southern Mediterranean
, 1.2 Mb
Twitter and Facebook for their inability to remove extremist content. At the 2018 G7 Summit in Toronto, security ministers
that tech companies step up the fight against dangerous content.
The Christchurch Call to Action
Andrey Kortunov:
Terrorism as a Weather Phenomenon
The Christchurch Call to Action to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online came in May 2019 from the Government of New Zealand as the peak of governmental demands for radical measures to be taken in this ...
... School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech.
As a specialist on international security and political violence, Jenna Jordan evaluates the effectiveness of a strategy of eliminating a terrorist group's leader.
One of the central pillars of US counterterrorism policy is that capturing or killing a terrorist group's leader is effective. Yet this pillar rests more on a foundation of faith than facts. In Leadership Decapitation, Jenna Jordan examines over a thousand instances of leadership targeting—involving ...
Disarmament Expert and former French diplomat Marc Finaud on Nuclear Terrorism and Arms Control
Marc Finaud is Senior Advisor and Head of 'Arms Proliferation' at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). He is a former French diplomat who has been seconded to the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) between 2004 ...