... Council (RIAC) together with the Crisis Management Initiative - Martti Ahtisaari Centre (CMI) organized a round table discussion on “
Russia and the EU – Looking for Ways of Cooperation in the Common Neighbourhood: the case of the Republic of Moldova and Transdniestria
”. At the meeting a group of experts from Chisinau, Tiraspol, Moscow and the EU (one from each side) presented papers with proposals for improving practical cooperation between Russia and the EU using the Republic of Moldova ...
... events in Ukraine, the situation in Transnistria (the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic) may seem rosy. Although this takes nothing away from its drama. The most serious challenges arise due to two factors: the signing of an Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union; and the policy of the new regime in Kiev, for which the pro-Russian enclave in Transnistria is as much of a thorn in its side as the breakaway Donbas region.
The creation of a free trade area between Moldova and the European ...
On December 4, 2014, the Russian International Affairs Council and Crisis Management Initiative headed by Marti Ahtisaari held the roundtable “
Russia and the EU: in Search for Ways for Cooperation within Common Neighborhood on the Example of Moldova and Transnistria
The attendees discussed the political and economic aspects of the Russia-EU-Moldova-Transnistria dialogue with the focus on Transnistria settlement and the impact of the November 30 parliamentary elections in Moldova ...
Moldova’s pro-European parties collected more than 50 per cent of the votes in last Sunday’s parliamentary elections, meaning that they now have good chance of forming a ruling coalition government. With 87 per cent of the votes counted, the ...
Following the 2014 separatist conflict in Ukraine, observers have worried about the potential for a similar conflict in Moldova that would interrupt the country’s EU association. Indeed, Moldova’s national minorities largely oppose the country’s process of approximation and integration with the European Union. National minorities are concentrated in the ...
... Avakov, Ukraine's interior minister, vows to restore order in the country's east where thousands of protestors wave Russian flags and storm government buildings, a different kind of emergency is rising on Ukraine's south-western border. Transnistria, Moldova's breakaway region, has decided not to attend a meeting of the "5+2" group which has been seeking a diplomatic solution to the 24-year-old conflict along the Dniester. With reference to Crimea, Transnistrian authorities are pressing ...
... consensus on the future political structure of their country
Olga Potyomkina
The European Union reaffirmed its goal of strengthening economic integration and political association with the Eastern Partnership’s ‘promising’ members, Moldova and Georgia
Kyrill Entin
If the Ukrainian government has ultra-right members, it would give the EU a convenient pretext for reneging on its promises to abolish visas and provide financial aid
András Rácz
We are going to see ...
... General Andrey Kortunov received a
letter of gratitude from Roxana Cristescu
, head of CMI’s Program in Eastern Europe & Caucasus.
The CMI is grateful for the event that has provided its team with ample forecasts about Russian policies toward Moldova and Transnistria, as well as Russia-EU interaction on aspects relevant to relations with them. The meeting has been of great significance for CMI and its future activities.
... and parties to the conflict is to maintain the stability of their own positions of power and their current governments. External actors are pursuing their own geo-political and geo-economic interests, both genuine and fake. Since both Transnistria and Moldova, due to their small size and socio-economic underdevelopment, are of little value to these actors, only rivalry between the outsider players incentivizes conflict resolution.
Seasonal exacerbation?
However, Chisinau and Tiraspol will be faced ...
... parties’ (i.e. former ruling parties whose leadership cadres jettisoned Marxism but still sought to exploit their former connections and resources). The radical left is stronger in the former Soviet Union (e.g. Russia, Ukraine, and especially Moldova where the communist party is one of the most electorally successful in history), but far weaker in Central and South-Eastern Europe (with the main exception being the Czech Republic). The reasons for this are complex, but a great deal can be explained ...