Pugwash expresses its deepest concern at the unprecedented levels of violence in the bloody confrontation between Hamas and Israel and between Israel and Palestine.
The attacks against the civil population in Israel, in Gaza and in the West Bank—with approximately 13000-14000 victims, and approximately 5000 of them children—underscore the unacceptable brutality in the current fight, and bring to the forefront the urgent need to achieve an immediate ceasefire followed by earnest negotiations leading...
The new round of the Palestine-Israel conflict is a deja vue for the people and elites in the Middle East, not only for the level of hatred and bloodshed that the region is witnessing but also for the possible coming not-very-distant future consequences in the Middle East. History often repeats itself when the same objective cause that led to the events in the first place are still present. Therefore, instead of providing ready arguments, it is better to show the bigger picture.
Source: Reuters
... events which Russia attended without any rights being curtailed. On the contrary, at the summit of G20 in New Delhi, a declaration was adopted by consensus which does not condemn Russia, not even mention Russia when it speaks about Ukraine and other conflicts in the world, which the West didn’t want to mention. They wanted and still want to Ukrainianize each and every agenda of each and every international forum, and this was never going to fly, and this is not flying already. The countries of ...
In principle, wars complement politics, but in Israel wars absolutely remain the norm and politics are the anomalies. The source of the contradictions remains Israel's fundamental and radical alienation from the Arab environment upon which it was imposed. It cannot maintain its security except by accumulating means of force, which deepens its alienation and enhances the impossibility of accepting it. In practice, this reality is unsustainable, neither by trying to increase power nor by further alliances...
... narratives, which had practically disappeared in previous years, are returning to the agenda: the United States of America and the Christian countries of the Old World bear the main responsibility for the troubles of Muslims and their destruction in wars and conflicts; they also provoke confrontations, leading to economic crises, hunger and unemployment in developing countries. The formation of such a perception of the West completely negates the enormous diplomatic efforts made in recent years to strengthen ...
... with its idea of lowering nuclear threshold and a strategy of a flexible response? Or is it the approaches of Russian military strategists of the 1990s who
tried to figure out how to ensure the security of the country when there were continuous armed conflicts along the Russian borders,
and the United States arranged armed interference in the internal affairs of other states?
Dmitry Trenin:
Today, at the height of the Ukrainian crisis, but before its culmination, this issue has more historical significance....
If the weapons including tanks provided by Washington and NATO countries are used to seize Russia's "constitutional territory" or used a sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile with a uranium core, Russia will take "severe retaliatory action" and may have serious consequences
"German tanks have already appeared on Russian soil. I hope that Berlin does not forget how things ended up. I firmly believe that this time, our people will still stand the test," Russian Ambassador...
The development of events we observe shows that one cannot count on wisdom in matters of international politics
The main cause of the European crisis is the selfish behaviour of the Western countries, which forced Russia to switch to a revolutionary method of solving the problem of its security in the western direction, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Timofei Bordachev.
A year ago, a series of negotiations between Russia and the West on the international order in Europe, based on Moscow’s...
... everything, all their belongings. About 2 million died in transit, and Germany lost a quarter of its territory.
As Simone Weil (1909–1943) once put it: “Rootedness is probably the human soul’s most important and most misunderstood need.”
Crises, conflicts and silver lining
If you look at today’s world, you see crises everywhere, wars and deep divisions in our societies. Fears are being fueled and images of “the enemy” that were actually long forgotten are being revived. The war that has ...
... in 2014–2022, as well as international guarantees for the implementation of the agreements reached by the parties.
Other discussion points included existing precedents of ceasefire agreements not followed by a comprehensive political settlement of conflicts (Cyprus, Korea, etc.). As usual, the event was attended by experts from the United States, Great Britain, Ukraine, and Russia. Russian side was represented at the meeting by Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General.