... conditions, and hitherto unheard-of high temperatures in that part of the earth's surface.'' The story ran in the Monthly Weather Review... in November 1922. Since those days we learnt a lot about the environment, started using the term anthropogenic climate change, and increased the total measured yearly CO2 emission s tenfold – from 3100 Mt to 32,000 Mt. Carbon dioxide and global warming The scientific community has walked its own climate change road: from disbelief and scepticism to heated ...
... future, diplomats were sharpening their pencils before two weeks of intense negotiations, lobbyists were making last minute calls. However, the atmosphere in Russia was different: though President Putin in his short speech stressed the economic cost of climate change and applauded Russia's progress, one could not shake off the impression that his population simply did not know or care enough about the issue.
Russia and climate change: nothing to do with me approach
Russia is the fifth largest ...
COP 21 Results. Countries' Commitments Overview
COP 21 Results. Countries' Commitments Overview
Project page:
Stage lights have been switched off, the treaty has been signed and the last delegation has just left Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris. The agreement has been called historical. And now it’s time to wonder: what’s next? Whether governments will be willing to commit on this treaty or not, it will be clear in a few years. And now what? According to the Financial Times, for instance, the British government doesn’t seem too concerned about the climate deal. Since this agreement has...
... to assist developing country Parties with respect to both mitigation and adaptation.” This means that on one side, developed countries have some sort of obligations toward “those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and have significant capacity constraints, such as the least developed countries and small island developing States.” However, that word shall also implies that richer countries don’t really have to contribute to these projects ...
... countries after 2020. According to India’s prime minister Narendra Modi, however, this sum is not going to be enough. Meanwhile at this link it’s possible to find an infographic that explains who has pledged how much, in the past year, for climate change and cutting carbon emissions.
Not only countries and Multilateral Development Banks have promised money though. A billionaires’ alliance, led by Microsoft’s Bill Gates and composed, among others by Facebook’s founder Mark ...
On November 30th, Narendra Modi, Indian prime minister and François Hollande, president of France, launched together the “International Solar Alliance”. With the aim of providing developing countries with the technology for exploiting solar energy, Modi is heading an alliance of over 120 countries, situated in between the two tropics.
But how much does the world relies on renewable energies today? And India? Why is Modi so interested in becoming the promoter of this international...
The 21st edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) is set to begin today, Monday November 30th in Paris. Organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) it aims at bringing together world leaders in order to find an agreement over gas emissions and global warming for the period post 2020. According to most climatologists, rising temperatures are a risky reality. The Earth is constantly ...
Climate change is high on the global policy agenda. Not only this is a priority area for the
UN and its Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
; political, business and religious leaders, including Pope Francis, have joined the plea to take action on slowing ...
From rhetoric to action
On the 30th of November 2015 world leaders will gather in Paris to forge a new international climate change agreement. The goal of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) taking place in the French capital is to reach a universal commitment to maintain the global increase in average temperature under 2C above pre-industrial ...