... Zealand to Russia, visited Russian International Affairs Council.
On March 27, 2019, Ian Hill, Ambassador of New Zealand to Russia, visited Russian International Affairs Council.
The discussion focused on the evolving military-political situation in the Asia-Pacific region in the context of increasing tensions in the U.S.-China relations, promoting the Indo-Pacific region concept by the U.S., and the difficulties in the work of many regional multilateral organizations. Particular attention was paid to ...
Over the course of the last two years, security risks across Asia have been on the rise. The region’s future is marred with uncertainty that is rooted in the revival of great power competition, and trade wars. The Carnegie Moscow Center and the Russian International Affairs Council organized a discussion about the future of the region.
Over the course of the last two years, security risks across Asia have been on the rise. The region’s future is marred with uncertainty that is rooted in the revival...
Settling the nuclear problem of the Korean Peninsula is a new and unique task of global significance
The tensions that have surrounded the Korean Peninsula in recent years are among the principal threats to international security. The world once again started discussing the possibility of a nuclear war when Pyongyang violated the resolutions of the UN Security Council by holding another, sixth nuclear test and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles in 2017, and when U.S. President Donald...
... 2010. At the same time, President Putin represented Russia at the 3
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – Russian Federation Summit on Strategic Partnership. Two days later, in Port Moresby, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit that had previously enjoyed priority attention of the President of the Russian Federation compared to other regional mechanisms.
Russia has stepped up its participation in multilateral mechanisms in the ...
... and intelligence communities. Counter-plans were developed, including: more generous Australian infrastructure aid to Pacific countries , obviously to counter China’s growing influence ; an attempted rebranding of the traditional diplomatic term ‘Asia-Pacific region’ to ‘Indo-Pacific region’, a clumsy attempt to belittle Asia’s and China’s centrality; and an ill-conceived and inappropriately-timed announcement by US Vice-President Mike Pence at APEC, that an Australia-US joint military ...
... whether an initiative on the creation of a new security architecture will come to life beyond workshops and statements. There is reportedly a collective
that could, following discussions, form the basis for a set of rules of conduct in the Asia-Pacific Region that could then be converted into another document that may even turn out to be legally binding.
Russia’s participation in ASEAN-centred multilateral mechanisms is not limited to the initiative. For example, Russia along with Laos ...
... Russian International Affairs Council.
On September 3, 2018, Ian Hill, Ambassador of New Zealand to Russia, visited Russian International Affairs Council.
The following issues were discussed in the course of the meeting: Russia's strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, ways to overcome crises around Ukraine and the Middle East, prospects for multilateral diplomacy, and strengthening the role of the United Nations in ensuring international security. Current RIAC projects in these areas were introduced ...
On June 14–15, 2018, Beijing hosted a regular 7th World Peace Forum, one of the most representative and authoritative events on the international security issues and strategic stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The Forum is traditionally organized by Tsinghua University and Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA).
On June 14–15, 2018, Beijing hosted a regular 7th World Peace Forum, one of the most representative and authoritative ...
Washington consensus 2.0 / China–India Axis / Multipolar balance of power / New bipolarity
A few months ago, the author wrote an
for the RIAC website on possible variants of the new international architecture on the European continent that might take shape over the next few years. Arguing that European politics will turn towards Moscow–Brussels relations, the article attempted to construct several scenarios for Europe’s future depending on the possible development trajectories of Russia...
... Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Project. It is indicative that in addition to ASEAN countries, the participants of this last project included South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, the traditional maritime allies of the United States in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Unlike in the case of the American Indo-Pacific, the Community of Common Destiny does not imply the strict commitments of an ally on the part of participating countries, and China itself does not alter its non-bloc status. Although ...