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Sergey Ryabkov

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow is concerned about a 'massive attack' on Iran nuclear agreements reached in Lausanne and calls on its P5+1 partners as well as Tehran to prevent speculations on this issue.

VIENNA (Sputnik) — Moscow is concerned about a 'massive attack' on Iran nuclear agreements reached in Lausanne and calls on its P5+1 partners as well as Tehran to prevent speculations on this issue, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Thursday.

"Russia is concerned over negative reaction by some countries on the outcome of talks between P5+1 and Iran in Lausanne and a 'massive attack' on [Lausanne] agreements," Ryabkov, who is Russia's envoy at Iran nuclear talks, told RIA Novosti.

"We call on our P5+1 colleagues as well as on Iranian partners — to cherish the results achieved in Lausanne, to avoid giving reasons for speculations, for fuelling tensions and disputes around this issue [preparation of the comprehensive agreement]," Ryabkov said.

The international community has long accused Iran of attempting to develop nuclear weapon under the guise of a civilian nuclear program.

On April 2, Iran and P5+1 group of international negotiators, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France and Germany reached a breakthrough political framework agreement on Tehran's controversial nuclear program following marathon talks in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

The Islamic Republic of Iran agreed, among other things, to cut the number of centrifuges by more than two-thirds in 10 years, as well as not to enrich uranium over 3.67 percent for 15 years.

Sergei Ryabkov also noted that the decision on setting up a consortium on the redesign of an Iranian nuclear reactor in Arak is likely to be postponed as the issue is not on the agenda of Iran nuclear talks in the near future.

"The issue of international participation in redesign of the Arak rector has not been discussed in detail…only political agreements have been reached so far," Ryabkov said.

"I don't think this issue will be on agenda of next few rounds," the diplomat claimed.

At its Arak facility, Iran agreed to redesign and rebuild the heavy water research reactor with a design that will be unable to produce weapons-grade plutonium, and to destroy and send to a third country the existing reactor and spent fuel.

Another round of talks between Iran and P5+1 foreign ministers will be held in Vienna on April 24, following two days of experts' meetings.

The deadline for signing a final comprehensive deal that would guarantee the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program is set for July 1, 2015.

Source: «Sputnik»

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