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Konstantin Kosachev

Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, RIAC Member

The blocking of the Russia-initiated UN Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution on the inclusion of Kurds in the intra-Syrian peace talks in Geneva was destructive for the conflict resolution, a Russian senator said on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the draft document designed to ensure representative nature of Syria peace talks was blocked by the Western UNSC members.

"From the point of view of common sense and the interests of the process it was a destructive, ill-timed and certainly pointless move by Westerners, made apparently solely on the basis of the initiative's source: just because it came from Russia," Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the International Committee of the Russian Federation Council, wrote on his Facebook page.

Kosachev stressed that the Russian resolution was intended at realizing the previous decisions by the UNSC on the maximum possible representation at the Geneva talks, which must include all parties to the Syrian conflict, except for terrorists.

Syria has been mired in civil war since March 2011, with government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad fighting numerous opposition factions and extremist groups.

The previous round of Syrian talks in Geneva wrapped up on March 24. The next round is expected to kick off on April 13, according to a source in the Syrian opposition partaking in the negotiations. Kurds, one of the largest ethnic groups in Syria, have received no official invitation to join the past and future rounds of Syrian peace talks.


Participants of the Syrian peace process, including Russia, have repeatedly stressed that reconciliation talks will fail to reach a political settlement unless the Syrian Kurds are allowed to participate.

Source: Sputniknews

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