Short version

On June 25, 2018, Vienna hosted a round-table discussion organized by the Italian Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali — IAI) focusing on «Russia and the West: What future for the European Security Architecture and the OSCE?»

Full version

On June 25, 2018, Vienna hosted a round-table discussion organized by the Italian Institute of International Affairs (Istituto Affari Internazionali — IAI) focusing on «Russia and the West: What future for the European Security Architecture and the OSCE?»

The meeting, timed to the middle of the Italian Chairmanship in the OSCE, was devoted to the current state and possible areas for the development of the Organization, the prospects for convergence of the positions of Russia and the West on issues of European security, the correlation of the OSCE potential with the capabilities of other organizations dealing with security issues in Europe (NATO, the European Union).

Aleksey Gromyko, RIAC Member, Director of the RAS Institute of Europe, Andrey Zagorsky, RIAC Member, Director of IMEMO RAS Department of Disarmament and Conflict Resolution, Andrey Kortunov, RIAC Director General, and several experts: Dmitry Suslov, Sergey Utkin, and other represented Russia at the event.