Pivot to Asia

Jackie Koo

This blog tracks political and economic developments and other emerging issues in the Asia-Pacific region. The rapid economic growth of many of the region’s nations has attracted much attention from the rest of the world. The blog analyzes the rise of China, the Asian Tigers phenomenon, the countries’ search for new growth opportunities and efforts to gain leadership in the global economy, as well as their balancing act between industrial development and environmental protection. Authors also discuss the future of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the long-standing goals and issues of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the benefits and consequences of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, the role of the Silk Road Economic Belt in economic development, and other important questions. Other topics include: territorial “pressure points” in North-East Asia, political and economic opportunities for BRICS states, and regional tensions in the South China Sea. The role of multilateral dialogue platforms in resolving key issues in Asia, economic development opportunities in ASEAN and APEC, and other note-worthy issues on the regional agenda are covered as well.

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