Anna-Maria Chkoniya

I am currently doing my bachelors at the Moscow State University of International Relations in international economic relations, where I also study French, English and Portuguese. I am serving as the founding President of the MGIMO African Club NSO at my university, where students, specialists on Africa and official representatives and diplomats of African states gather to exchange ideas, discuss the future development of Russian-African relations and challenge the many misconceptions that exist about the African continent through the organisation of various cultural and academic events. My current research interests include the BRICS nations, especially the economic aspect of their cooperation, the involvement of the BRICS countries in the development of the African continent and the possible solutions to the key social and economic challenges that emerging countries face. My blog at RIAC primarily deals with the economic aspect of the BRICS group as well as its engagement in the economic development of other developing countries. It is my attempt to analyse economic processes so as to understand the formation of a so-called ‘multipolar’ world."

Прошедший опрос

  1. Какие угрозы для окружающей среды, на ваш взгляд, являются наиболее важными для России сегодня? Отметьте не более трех пунктов
    Увеличение количества мусора  
     228 (66.67%)
    Вырубка лесов  
     214 (62.57%)
    Загрязнение воды  
     186 (54.39%)
    Загрязнение воздуха  
     153 (44.74%)
    Проблема захоронения ядерных отходов  
     106 (30.99%)
    Истощение полезных ископаемых  
     90 (26.32%)
    Глобальное потепление  
     83 (24.27%)
    Сокращение биоразнообразия  
     77 (22.51%)
    Звуковое загрязнение  
     25 (7.31%)
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